Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I'm sitting on the deck when my phone rings. I had been sitting out here for a while just thinking. I pick up the phone and click answer. "Hello." I say softly. "Hey Beautiful. How are you feeling?" he asks. "A little better I think." I tell him. "Wanna talk about it?" he asks. "Just an ex getting into my head again." I tell him. "How's that?" he asks. "My ex called wanting to get back together." I tell him. "Do you want to?" he asks. "No. I like talking to you. Thought about actually seeing where this goes but I don't know if I can." I tell him. "What's stopping you?" he asks. "I was with my ex for two years and the entire time, he was telling me things to keep me down. Telling me that I'm fat and ugly and that no one would want me. You hear that enough, you start believing it's true." I tell him. "He's wrong, you know." he says. "Honestly, I don't think he is." I tell him. "Well, I, personally think that you are smart and beautiful and have an amazing voice. I'd be proud to have you on my arm." he tells me. "Really?" I ask as I start to tear up. "Really. I like you, a lot." he tells me. "I like you too." I tell him. "So, let's just keep talking and see what happens." He suggests. "Okay." I say.

We talk a little more before I say "I better head to bed. Have to get up early in the morning." I say. "Okay. Sweet dreams Princess. I'll text you in the morning." he says. "Sweet dreams Dom. And thank you." I say. "Don't thank me. Just stay with me." he says. "Okay. Goodnight Dom." I say. "Goodnight Princess." he says before we end the call.

Walking back into the house, I see Casey sitting there on the couch. "How are you feeling?" she asks as I sit down. "A little better. Talked things out with Luca. I blocked Tanner's number so hopefully he won't get into my head anymore. Luca wants to see where this goes and I want to see where it goes too." I tell her. We talk a little more and head to bed.

The next morning, I wake up to a text from Luca. I'm getting used to my morning texts.

L: Good morning Beautiful.

M: Good morning Dom.

L: How are you feeling?

M: Better after our talk. Still not where I need to be but getting there.

L: We'll get you there. I promise.

M: We will huh?

L: Absolutely. What are you doing tonight?

M: Nothing that I know of. Why?

L: Making sure my girl is free for me to call tonight.

M: You're girl huh?

L: Yeah. My girl.

M: Okay. I'll be here.
L: Have a good day Princess. I'll call you when I can.

M: Okay. Be safe today. Please.

L: Yes ma'am.

Casey walks into the kitchen and sees me smiling at my phone. "What's that smile about?" she asks. "Just texting Dom." I say. "Dom?" she asks. "That's his first name." I tell her and she smiles. "How's that going?" she asks. "Good I think. He called me his girl." I tell her. "That's good Mol. Just don't let that prick get into your head again." she tells me. "I won't. I blocked his number." I tell her.

I'm sitting at work a little later when a delivery guy shows up. He brings in an arrangements of yellow roses which are my favorite. "Delivery for Molly Thomas." he says. "That's me." I say and I sign for the flowers. Laura walks over and asks "Who are these from?" I look at the card and smile. Showing her the card it reads Just wanted to show my Princess how perfect she is. Talk to you tonight. Dom. "Who's Dom?" Laura asks. "That's Luca's first name." I say. "These are from Luca?" she asks. "Yeah. He knows I've been having a hard time lately." I tell her. "You better keep this one." she tells me. "I am." I say. I step outside and call his number. "Hello Beautiful. You get my flowers?" he asks. "I did. Thank you. You have no idea how much I needed that today." I tell him. "I told you, you're my girl. You deserve to be treated like the Princess you are." he tells me. "I have to get back to work but I wanted to thank you for the flowers. They made my day." I tell him. "I'm glad. Talk to you tonight?" he asks. "I'll be waiting. Be safe baby." I say. "I will. Bye Princess." he says before ending the call.

I head into the house at home and Casey sees the flowers. "Where'd you get those. They're beautiful." she says. "Dom sent them." I tell her and she smiles. "I really like him Casey." I tell her. "I can tell. You're glowing." she tells me and I blush. I put the flowers on the table in the living room and walk out to the deck to wait on my surfer boy to call.

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