Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It's been over a month since Dom came home from the hospital and they released him back to full duty. He walks into the locker room and everyone welcomes him back. "Great to see you back brother." Hondo says. "Thanks man. Couldn't have done it without my wife man. Keeping me in check, making me rest. Got some good news though too." he tells them. "Other than getting to come back to work?" Chris asks. "Yeah. We're having a kid." he tells them and they all hug him and congratulate him. "That's amazing news Luca." Deacon says. "Thanks brother." he says smiling.

That evening, he comes in from work and I'm standing in the kitchen, cooking. He walks in and kisses my cheek before looking at me and asking "What's wrong? The baby?" he asks. "Baby's fine. Both of them are." I say. He looks at me shocked and says "Both?" I look at him and say "Yeah. Both. Twins." I tell him. "Why don't you look happy about it?" He asks. "Oh, I am happy about it. Really happy but I got a call today from my boss. They're doing layoffs. I lost my job today." I tell him. "Shit. Hey, it's okay. I can handle the bills, okay. I don't want you stressing about anything. I got it, okay?" he asks and I nod. Tilting my head to look at him he says "I got it. You just concentrate on you and our little monsters. I promise we'll be fine. I make more than enough to take care of us." he tells me. I look into his eyes and say "I was afraid you'd be upset about me losing my job. Dom, that's putting everything on you." I tell him. "And we will be just fine." he says confidently. "We do need to call my folks though. Tell them about the babies." he says. "Let's do that now while I'm getting dinner done." I tell him.

He pulls out his phone and calls his mom. "Hey Mom. Dad with you?" he asks. "He is. I'll put it on speaker. Everything okay son?" she asks. "Yeah. Just wanted to give you a little news. You know I told you I married Molly? Well we found out she's pregnant." he says. "Really? A grandbaby?" she asks. "Two. Twins." he tells her. "Oh my gosh. Twins. That's amazing son. Let us know what you need for them." she tells us. "Thanks Mom." Dom says. "Congrats son. I'm happy for you and Molly. Really." his dad says. "Thanks Dad. We'll keep you updated." Dom tells them and ends the call. "That went well." I say. "Yeah. Better than I thought." he tells me. He pulls me into his side and says "I love you so much. You and our little monsters." I laugh a little and say "We love you too Daddy." He smiles before kissing me again.

After we eat, we sit on the couch together and Dom is rubbing my small baby bump. "I still can't believe, twins." he says. "I'm sorry." I tell him. "For what?" he asks. "Losing my job. Putting all this on you." I tell him. "Look, just concentrate on you and the babies and once they get here, then if you want, worry about finding a job or just be a stay at home mom. Whatever makes you happy. We are gonna be just fine." he tells me before kissing me softly. "Okay." I say as I snuggle back into him. We head to bed and I lay with my back to him and his arms around me, hand on my belly.

Waking up the next morning, I see Dom off to work and a little later, Casey comes in. "Come on girlie. Talk to me." she tells me as she sits down. I hand her a cup of coffee and then get my tea. "I was laid off from my job." I tell her. "Shit. What did Luca say?" she asks. "Told me to worry about me and these little monsters and he'd handle everything." I tell her. "Monsters?" she asks. "Twins." I tell her. "Wow. And you're scared it's going to be too much financially on him with you and both babies." she says rather than asks. "Yeah." I tell her. "I could get you on with me. It's clerical work, working from home." she tells me. "Pay pretty good?" I ask. "Yeah. You log in and out of the system to get your time and your work for the day is on that system. You just enter info from the documents they scan to you." she tells me. "Pays weekly?" I ask. "Yeah. Just like your other job did." she tells me. "Can you send me the info? I'll talk to Dom about it." I tell her. "Sure." she says and I feel a little better about things.

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