Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I don't sit out there long before his name shows up on my phone screen. Answering the phone "Hello." I say. "Hey Princess. How was your day?" he asks. "It was great. How was yours?" I ask. "Better. I got to know that I made my girl smile." he says. "I'm still smiling." I tell him. "Good." he says. "You know, tomorrow's Friday, you wanna come over? I can cook." I say. "Yeah. It's a date." he says and I smile more. "So, what are you thinking of making?" he asks. "You'll have to wait and see. I promise you'll love it though." I tell him. "I'm sure I will." he says. "After dinner, if you want, we can curl up and watch a couple of movies." I suggest. "Curling up with my girl? Absolutely." he says. We talk a little more before I have to go to bed. "Good night Princess. Sweet dreams." he says. "Sweet dreams Dom." I say before we end the call.

Waking up the next morning, I see my morning text.

L: Good morning my beautiful girlfriend.

M: Good morning baby.

L: Can't wait to see you tonight.

M: Me either. I have dinner planned and we can pick a couple of movies when you get here.

L: Just know, once I get my arms around you, I'm not letting you go.

M: I hope not. Gotta get ready for work. Be safe today.

L: Always now that I have a girl to come home to.

M: That you do baby.

L: See you tonight beautiful.

M: See you tonight.

I walk out of my room and see Casey. I start to head out the door and she tells me. "I'm crashing at Laura's tonight. Street and Tan are coming over." Smiling I say "Good because Dom is coming over tonight." She smiles and says "Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do." she tells me. "That doesn't leave me a whole lot." I tell her and she just laughs.

That night, there's a knock on the door. I open the door to see Dom standing there, smiling. I let him in and he pulls me close and kisses my lips softly. "Hey Princess." he says. "Hey Dom." I say. I lead him to the kitchen and he sits at the island and I plate his food. "Holy shit. This is amazing." he tells me. "Thanks. It's Chicken Casserole." I tell him. "Wow. Well, how was your day?" he asks. "It was good. Couldn't get it over with fast enough though. Was excited about tonight." I tell him. "That's good to hear." he says as we head to the living room after eating. "What do you want to watch?" I ask. "You pick." he says. I decide not to go with a chick flick but picked a comedy.

Two movies in, I'm leaned against Luca and we are both asleep. The next morning, I wake up and my head is on his chest and his arms are around me. I feel him start to stir and I look up at him. "Morning beautiful." he says "Morning." I say before leaning up and kissing him softly. I go to sit up and he holds me to him. "I'm not ready to let go yet." he says and I start laughing. "You want to stay for breakfast?" I ask. "Yeah babe." he says before kissing me again and lets me up. "You can shower if you want." I tell him. He kisses me one more time before heading to the shower while I cook. Eggs, sausage, bacon, biscuits and gravy and it's done at the same time that he comes back in. Sitting at the island, I place his plate and coffee in front of him and then get my own. "This is great babe." he says. "Thanks." I say. "You wanna go for a ride? I want to show you something." he tells me. "Yeah. Once we eat, let me change and we can go." I tell him.

An hour later, we are headed out to his truck. We head out and next thing I know, we are pulling up at the beach. He grabs a blanket out of the back since it's still cool out and we head out to find a spot on the beach. Sitting down, I sit between his legs and he wraps the blanket around us. "This is nice." I tell him. "Yeah it is." he says. "I honestly don't remember when the last time I felt this at peace was." I tell him. "Glad I can help with that." he says. "Dom, I really liked waking up next to you. Thank you." I tell him. "Anything for my Princess. I meant what I said. I'm not going anywhere baby."

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