Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

That evening, Luca comes home and I'm making dinner. He walks into the kitchen and wraps his arms around my waist. "How are my wife and monsters?" he asks. "Great. Did my paperwork today and my first assignment will be on the website tomorrow." I tell him. "That's great baby." he says. "Get a shower real fast. Dinner will be done by the time you get out." I tell him. Kissing me softly while rubbing my stomach, he heads to the shower. Once he's out, I plate our food and we sit at the island together to eat. "Thank you Dom." I say. He looks at me and I say "For being okay with me working with Casey. I was stressing so bad." I tell him. "I don't want you to stress. But like I said, it's your decision but I'm glad you could talk to me. I want you to be able to talk to me about anything." he says and I smile at him.

After dinner, we sit on the couch and turn on a movie. Halfway through the movie, he lays down on the couch and pulls me with him. Laying on my side with my back to him, he's rubbing my stomach and I doze off. I wake up the next morning, facing him, snuggled into his chest and hearing his light snores beside me and I can't help but smile because his hand is still touching my stomach. He starts to stir so I snuggle closer and he pulls me tighter. "Morning Momma." he says. "Morning Daddy." I say as I sit up and move to straddle him. I see him smirk and ask "What do you want babe?" I smirk before leaning down to his ear and whisper "My husband." He kisses me deeply before we shed clothes and I slide my warm, wet heat over his hardened member. Sliding up and down, his hand on my hips, controlling the pace. One hand moves from my hip to the back of my neck and pulls me down to kiss me hard as we both reach our release together.

Getting up, we move to the kitchen and I start breakfast. We eat and he gets ready for work while I move to the living room to get the laptop loaded up to get started working as soon as Luca leaves. Kissing me goodbye he walks out the door but not without me telling him to be careful. I sit at the laptop and see my first assignment and I get started. Logging in, I handle the assignments and before I know it, my shift is over and I am completely done. Not so bad. A few minutes later my phone rings. "Hey Casey." I say. "Hey doll. How was your first day?" she asks. "Is it always like this?" I ask. "It is. Pretty normal stuff." she tells me. "I think I'm gonna like it. Thanks again." I tell her. "Don't thank me. How are the little ones?" she asks. "Good. Morning sickness isn't that bad surprisingly. Dom is as excited about them as I am. But, holy shit, my sex drive is high as hell." I tell her laughing. "I bet Luca's loving that." she tells me laughing. "Well, he's not complaining." I tell her laughing with her. We talk a little more before we end the call.

I start dinner and Luca walks in like the night before. He walks over and puts his arms around me and his hands on my stomach. "How was your day?" he asks. "Good. Started my first assignments today." I tell him. "Good. Think you'll like it?" he asks. "I do. I really do." I tell him. We go on talking before heading to the couch for a movie before bed. Once we are lying in bed, he's rubbing my stomach like he always does. "You love rubbing my stomach don't you?" I ask. "It's the only way I get to bond with them for now." he tells me and I can't help but smile. "You're really happy about this aren't you?" I ask. "Yeah. I am. I don't think I've ever been happier." he tells me and I can't help that my smile gets bigger.

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