Chapter 33

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I wake up to my head pounding and confusion comes over me as I try to recollect what had happened the night before, bits and pieces of the night circle around my head as I remember how much I actually ended up drinking. My throat starts to salivate as I feel everything I consumed over the past 12 hours come back up again.

I vomit all over the ground in the bedroom I was sharing with Wes as he jumps up to the sound of it, "Oh thank god you're alive" he says ignoring the sick next to him. I grab my stomach as I lie back down into the bed. Wes grabs a water, I didn't notice next to my bed and hands it to me.

"What happened?" I ask him as he grabs some towels from the guest wardrobe, he shakes his head as he begins to laugh "Honestly I have no idea, I left you in here and you ended up drinking a lot" he says and starts to chuckle making me frown.

"What did I do?" I ask confused and groan when he starts to crack up laughing "hmmn not a lot" he teases, and I grab my phone checking the time, reading 5:58 am. That's when I notice a few text messages from both Aaron and Shayne. "Oh My god what did I do!" I say starting to panic as I read through my last messages.

I scroll up a few messages to late last night and see I messaged Aaron 'Just gonna be honest Shayne is way hotter than you', I cringe and feel remorse come over me, oh fuck this was bad. I hand the phone over to Wes for him to read me the messages as the brightness was blinding my eyes.

"Aaron asked if you were okay and you replied with, Not really I'm kind of just in love with your cousin and he said he would never ever date me" he says and sighs as he reads the last part out "Did Shayne really say that?" Wes asks, and I nod my head before I feel vomit come up my throat, causing me to run to the bathroom.

As soon as I get to the toilet, I start to vomit nearly not making it in time. I don't bother to shut the door as I lie with head resting on the bath which was next to the toilet, why was I like this?

"Y/N" I hear someone say as I open my eyes to see the one and only Shayne, "Hey" I say out of breath as he comes and joins me on the bathroom floor. "I'm really sorry for making you feel that way" he says, and I furrow my eyebrows, what did I do now?

He must notice my confusion as he asks "You don't know what I'm talking about do you?" and I shake my head and he sighs "Before everyone went to bed you must've heard me talking to Noah because you walked out of your room and grabbed my arm taking me back into the room while you cried and complained about everything I had done to you" he explains and I groan putting my head in my hands half from embarrassment and half because of the worst fucking hangover I have ever had.

"I'm never drinking again" I say still a little intoxicated, "Probably for the best" He says getting up and grabbing some tablets out of the medicine cupboard before passing them to me, "These'll help your hangover" He says, and I take them without asking twice.

"But you do see now that this is the reason why we can't be together" Shayne continues and I get a little heated as the alcohol that was still in my body gave me some confidence "No I can't" I snap back and he frowns "I just keep hurting you, I don't know what to do" he says sliding back down next to me.

I sit there speechless why did this have to be so complicated. "I care about you so much, I can't even bare to think about how I have hurt you" he says, and I nod my head "I'm the one who started all of this, I tried to make you jealous" I admit and he chuckles a little. "Yeah why did you do that?" he asks which causes me also to laugh.

"I don't know, seemed like a good idea at the time" I say and he rubs my shoulder comforting me "I wish I knew my feelings for you earlier, I really do but I feel like we've gone through so much... it's different now" he confesses and I sigh before saying "Can I ask you a question?" I ask, and he nods his head while saying 'of course'.

"If you did have feelings for me this whole time why didn't you come after me when I left for Seattle" I confess, and he snickers, "I did" he admits, and I'm shocked for words, Shayne was willing to drop everything to stop me from leaving and all this time I just thought he had chosen Ally over me.

I don't know what came over me but before I know it I'm grabbing his face and kissing him, this time it's heated and reminds me of the moment in his car. His hands make his way down from my cheek to my shoulder pushing my bra and singlet strap down. He quickly pulls his lips away "We can't do this" he says, and I frown "Why not?" I ask, and he stops not speaking before his lips are back on mine.

We end up making out for a few minutes before I pull away feeling my stomach drop, "I think you should get some sleep" Shayne says as I grab my stomach. "But I'm scared of the dark" I tease, and he smirks "You don't have to ask me twice" he says as we sneak back into Mine and Wes' room to a sleeping Wes.

We quietly sneak into my bed as Shayne wraps his arms around me while we spoon, I soon feel my eyes get heavy. I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes as I feel the room spin as I sit up on my bed and to my surprise I was the only one in the room. 

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