Chapter 31

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Jessica's POV

Once the girls left, all eyes were on me.

Sam: Jessica, why are you doing this to yourself?

Jessica: because I can

Nick: no you can't, harming yourself is very dangerous. Could you explain to your reason to your brothers because I'm running a little late to the meeting

Sam: don't worry Nick, we have everything under control

Nick: thanks Sam, I know I can count on you. Tell Charlie that I left, and I will be back on time for her birthday dinner

Sam nods and left and Jake grabs a wet cloth and presses it down on my cut.

Joe: will give you guys sometime to talk. Kevin and I have to go anyways we still have to finish Charlie's birthday present

Kevin: oh yeah! Bye.

They left the bathroom and Sam pointed to toilet seat and I look at him with embarrassment but he just pointed at it anyways and I frown and sat down.

Sam: I can't believe you Jessica, why are you cutting yourself!

Jessica: because... you'll be mad at me 

Brian: baby girl, we would never be mad at you

Jessica: *sighs* alright fine, the reason why I did what I did because I'm afarid that he might come after me, and I wanted to kill myself

Sam: baby girl, you know that's not the right thing to do. He may not love you for you, but he would be stupid to not date a pretty girl like you

Jessica: *looks up at her brothers* you guys really think I'm pretty? You're not just saying that because I'm your little sister?

They both nodded and I sigh.

Jessica: but you're my brothers, your suppose to say that to make me feel better

Jake: we may be your brothers but it's the real truth Jessica, and we care about you and your health

Jessica: I guess you're right, I'm sorry guys

Sam: it's alright baby, let us just clean your cuts and will discuss this more when we get back home

I nodded and allowed Sam to take the first aid kit so he could clean my cuts.

Brian walk out so he could call Lauren and Charlie to come back home.

*Later on that Day*

Charlie's POV
After everything that happened this morning, we finally get to relax, but since Nick not home yet, I'm stuck here with grandpa. We were playing chess and I have no idea what I'm doing.

Grandpa: I wouldn't move their baby girl

I sigh in frustration.

Charlie: grandpa you're really getting on my nerves right now, first I move here, then you tell me to I shouldn't move their, next I move here and your telling me I shouldn't move their, make up your mind grandpa!
Grandpa: alright fine if you don't want to listen me just go right away
Charlie: thank you *about to move a chess piece*
Grandpa: *clears his throat*
Charlie: *looks up at him* grandpa! Could you let me move chess please!
Grandpa: alright fine, do what ever you want
Charlie: *sighs annoyed* thank you

I move the piece to where I want it to be, then it was grandpa turn and he won and said.

Grandpa: check mate
Charlie: *folds arm and stomps foot* this game stinks!
Grandpa: *starts to clean up* you're just a sore loser pumpkin

I stick my tongue at him and he rolled his eyes. Just then we heard the front door open and in came in Nick. I ran over to him and hug his leg.

Charlie: thank goodness you're home, nothing here was the same with out you
Nick: I'm glad to be home, now could you get off me?
Charlie: only if you promise not to go anywhere else without me next time
Nick: If you don't get off my left leg, your defiantly gonna get it tomorrow

I quickly got off his left leg just think about what he might do to me tomorrow if I didn't.

Grandpa: so... Nick, how did it go?
Nick: well I don't need to brag but- *get cut off by me*
Charlie: you got the record deal!
Nick: you know it!

I hug him and he hug me back and I said.

Charlie: congrats Big Bro!
Nick: thanks baby sis
Grandpa: I'm proud of you Nick, and I bet your parents would be proud of you too
Nick: thanks grandpa, I'm gonna go next door to tell the guys
Grandpa: alright be back before Charlie's surprise
Nick: oh I will, later baby girl

Nick kiss my forehead before leaving the house and I sigh and flopped down
next to Grandpa.

Grandpa: you alright pumpkin
Charlie: I'm just a bit curious
Grandpa: curious about what buttercup?
Charlie: since Nick got the record deal, and Hollywood record is in LA, what if we have to move their? I don't want to leave home where all my friends and family are
Grandpa: baby I know this hard, but I'm sure Nick will understand. Plus let's not forget, he did give up his last record deal to take care of you
Charlie: I know that's what I regret the most

I sigh and lay my head on grandpa, he wrap both of his arms around me and kiss the top of my forehead.

Grandpa: why don't you go upstairs and get in the shower, and I will lay out the dress that Nick bought you for your birthday
Charlie: why do I have to wear a dress?
Grandpa: cause it's a special day today and you're a princess
Charlie: well you're not wrong about that grandpa
Grandpa: alright get ready while I'll go get everyone else

I nodded and he kiss my cheek and went up to my room to get ready for my dinner party.

Charlotte May JonasWhere stories live. Discover now