Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After School.

With Charlie and Nick:

Charlie comes into the house while folding her arm and sits on the couch. Nick comes in and locks the door and turns to her.

Nick: Charlie

Charlie: (looks at him)

Nick: I'm so disappointed in you

Charlie: (looks down)

Nick: you know this could have all been avoided if you done your homework. Why didn't you tell me that you didn't finish your book report? I would've understood

Charlie: no you wouldn't

Nick: yes I would baby (sits down next to her) want to know why

Charlie: (looks at him) why?

Nick: because I love you

Charlie: (smiles at him) I love u too Nicky (hugs him)

Nick: (hugs back) I love you more baby (kiss the top of her forehead)

Charlie: (looks up at him) I'm still in trouble?

Nick: yes, but no spanking since u got one this morning for it

Charlie: if you're not gonna spank me, then how are you gonna punish me?

Nick: you know honey a spanking doesn't always work on kids you know that right

Charlie: it doesn't

Nick: no baby, there's other sort of punishment besides spanking. But the reason why I use spanking is because, dad raised us into it.

Charlie: oh, okay

Nick: So here's what your punishment gonna be, no desert tonight

Charlie: but Nick-

Nick: don't interrupt me Charlotte

Charlie: (mumbles) sorry

Nick: since your bedtime is at 9 you're going to bed an hour early for now on and no television for a week

Charlie: but Nick! That's not fair

Nick: sorry baby girl, but that's my discussion not yours

Charlie: (sighs) fine

Nick: good, now go to your room and get started on your homework. I'm gonna be making sure you're getting your homework done for now, alright?

Charlie: (sighs) alright

Charlie gets up and kiss his cheek, then she grabs her backpack and heads up the stairs and into her room. Nick sighs and gets up and goes to the kitchen and starts on dinner.

Few hours pass by, Nick called Charlie down for dinner. Charlie came down for dinner and said.

Charlie: what's for dinner Nick? (sits down at the table)

Nick: Your favorite spaghetti and meatballs (hands it to her)

Charlie: yum (starts eating her spaghetti and meatballs)

Nick smiles and kiss the top of forehead and then goes check his blood sugar before sitting down and eating as well.

Joe/Kevin: (comes into the house)

Joe: oh boy I smell (sniff air) is that spaghetti and meatballs I smell

Nick: (turns to him) wow Joe you got an amazing nose right there

Charlie: why do you guys always barge into our house whenever you smell food?

Kevin: that's easy because Joe has no brain

Nick/Charlie: (laughs)

Joe: ha, ha funny

Nick: come on guys join in

Joe: alright food

Joe sits down at the table and starts serving himself.

Kevin: oh Joe u will never learn (sits down also)

They all laugh except Joe then they all ate spaghetti and meatball and started talking to each other.

After Dinner.

Nick: Alright little one, I want u upstairs and into your room and changes into your PJ's

Charlie: Oh come on Nick, please... can I have desert?

Nick: Charlotte... what did I just tell you in the living room

Charlie: (pouts) No desert

Nick: Exactly, now go to your room and get change into your PJ's

Charlie: fine

Charlie crosses her arms and gets up and stomps up the stairs and into her room.

Kevin: What's this all about this time?

Nick: Charlie, Natalie and Jaden didn't finish there book report so didn't the rest of the class, so I punish the whole class and told them they weren't aloud to go outside today for recess

Kevin: Oh okay

Joe: Wow Nick you're such a party popper

Nick: What?! I am not! I'm just teaching the kids from rights and wrong

Joe: Yeah... but you don't have to go so hard on them they're just kids

Nick: Joe this is how I teach my class about what is right and what is wrong, and if u think I'm wrong then why don't u teach my class someday

Joe: Alright fine. I'll teach your class tomorrow

Nick: Great so it's settled Joe teach my class and if you lose, you will have to babysit Charlie any time I need you to do me a favor

Joe: Fine... But if you lose, you have to clean my dirty room

Nick: Deal!

They both shook hands and Kevin rolled his eyes at them. Nick went upstairs to go check on Charlie.

Chapter End Notes: 

Hey guys! So this is all the chapters I have updated so far. I might post later if I updated some more or tomorrow because it's late now. 

Charlotte May JonasWhere stories live. Discover now