11. a pink haired ball of happiness

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11. a pink-haired ball of happiness


I woke up the next morning beside Theo with my head resting on his chest. I slowly sat up, careful not to wake him.

I looked around the room, seeing everyone still asleep. Our movie night before must have taken it all out of us.

First, I went to the bathroom, to wash my face and brush my teeth. Feeling refreshed helped me to fully wake myself up. I creeped down the steps, trying exceptionally hard not to make it squeak. But then I heard it.


Someone was awake. But who? I didn't notice anyone missing upstairs. But then again, I didn't look that thoroughly.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw that it was Camila. Her back was turned to me, but she said, "Good morning, Ciera."

I jumped, not expecting her response. "How'd you know I was here?"

"You walk like you're mad at someone." I laughed.

"Want some eggs?" She asked, as she moved over to reveal the now finished scrambled eggs.

"Sure, thank you." She gave me a plate with freshly done eggs and bacon. I sat at the island and she did the same. As I began to eat I felt eyes on me. I turned with a mouth full of bacon to see Camila smiling at me. "Yesh?" I mumbled.

"I wanted to show you this. It's a picture." She slid her phone across the counter to me and my breath hitched. It was a picture of us. Theo and I, from when we were sleeping.

"His chest is surprisingly comfortable," I admitted. "And this is just a coincidence. I can't help where my head lands when I'm not awake."

"True. You are known to be a wild sleeper," Camila agreed.


My head whipped around to see a sleepy Theo rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Camila smiled.

"Want eggs and bacon?"

"We just met and you already know me so well." Theo sat on the other side of me so I was surrounded. "What were you guys talking about?" He asked.

"Nothing much. Just Camila being a stalker," I answered.

"Taking pictures isn't being one!" she shot back. Theo looked at the two of us skeptically
but didn't say anything.

Rosalie appeared shortly after. "Hi," she yawned loudly.

"You want eggs and bacon too?" Camila offered.

"No thanks. I don't like eggs." She went and grabbed a bowl instead to make cereal, before sitting with the rest of us.

I went back to my food but my hair kept falling in my face as I tried to eat. "Here," a voice said from beside me. I turned to look at Theo holding out a hairband.

"Were you prepared for my hair failure this morning?" I accused.

"No. I carry hair ties around because Rosalie makes our family wear it just in case she
needs one," he explained.

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