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I rush into the bathroom to see my dad on the floor....there's a big cut across his arm! There's blood everywhere! I apply pressure to the wound and call 911! I hear the front door close slam shut. II freeze....did someone do this to him!?! I tell 911 operator about the door closing she said to stay clam.. I start to freak out! I don't know what to do?!

I hear the perametics come into the house. They find me with my dad they take him away from me! I want to go wtih him! They put him into the ambulence! I only hear silence for a couple of secounds and the flashing lights. Then they took him to the hospital, but the cops wanted to ask me quesions. I was panicing and emtionally stressed!

"Miss, do you know how this could've happened?"One of the cops asked me

"No, I woke up looking for him then I found him on the bathroom floor hurt.." I say panicing and shaking

"Was there anything different or weird about your dad?"they asked me
"No, he was normal but....I heard the front door shut when I was in the bathroom w-when I found him.." I was stuttering and this is just too much for me

"Ok thank you. Is there anyone you can stay with for now?" He asked me

"uhh I don't know.."I tell him

"Ok just see if you can stay with anyone, were going to be discussing over here."

"oh ok"I say

I just reflect on just what happened, I start to cry then I feel someone put their arms around me....

I go to ask Ethan but he tells me that...

"Dude don't freak out but at Diamonds house, her dad got stabed or something like that so I think that's why she isn't here but I think they are still investigating at her house so if we hurry I think we came make it there!" Ethan tells me

I start running, I need to know she's ok! We get to the car and we drive straight to her house! I'm panicing that she might not be ok I just need to be there for her! Once we get there I see her and I run straight to her! She has her head down on her knees. I can hear her crying, I wrap my arms around her to comfort her.

"Hey, I'm here for you.." I tell her while I bring her closer to me

She looks up at me, she smiles when she sees me. It melted my heart to see her happy around me!

"Thanks Elijah.."she sits up straight, she wipes her tears with her sleeves. It's honestly the most adorable thing ever.

"Are you ok? Do you need anything?"I ask her waiting for her response

"To be honest, not really since my dad is in the hopital I have to stay with someone but I don't have anyone"She tells me, I feel so bad!

"Stay with me! Unless you don't want to...Then y-you don't have to"I stuttered, so smooth Elijah so smooth..

"Would you mind me staying with you?"she asks me, I can feel myself blushing so I look away really fast then I see Ethan giving me a thumbs up

"No I wouldn't mind at all!"I tell her she smiles, my heart!

"Really?! I mean thanks!"She tells me, isn't she just the best!

"No problem! Anytime you need anything, and I mean anthing, I'm always gonna be here for you!"I tell her looking into her eyes

Ethan interupts us and we get into the car and bring Diamond to our house <3

Bullied By The Pals { Sketch x Reader } 💔Discontinued💔Where stories live. Discover now