Screw ups? Never heard of them!

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He made me blush when he said that. I think I like him, but it hurt me when he said he didn't say that. He was zone-ing out so he was probably thinking about someone else. But when he said that he did say that I released my hug....

I went to the store to actually pick up groceries. You might say that I'm a bad brother for not doing what Elijah asked but I had a good feeling about leaving them two alone. Not like in a mean way! In a lovey dovey way! I knew that Elijah liked her as soon as I saw him hug her, so I thought I would leave them for them to do their thang! So I went to the grocery store, and I'm not going to go back there until like an hour.

Why you may ask? Because I have a girlfriend! And I'd like to spend some time with her!So I decided I could take her to lunch or something nice! But she's in school right now but I know the lunch times so I'll just pick her up from the school and go on a little date with her quickly tho. But I have some time to kill before I see her though so what should I do? Maybe I'll go to a park or something. I go to a park near a neighborhood infact Diamonds so that's kinda weird.

I pull into the park, I'm about to get out of the car until I see a guy dressed in all black with a black mask running towards Diamond's road she lives on.
I watch him run, I slowly go after him but in my car. I see him...GOING INTO DIAMOND'S HOUSE!!?! I SEE HIM GRAB SOMETHING THEN RUN AWAY?!
I don't know who that was or what he wanted, but that makes me worry about Diamond!

I'll just tell Elijah so I don't freak Diamond out. But I also want to spend time with Amie. I choose Amie, plus I'm giving him some extra time to hang with Diamond.I check the time, I quickly realize I need to go pick up Amie! I drive to the High School, and pick up Amie! I take her to lunch and we hang out for a little bit before I have to take her back. I see her shiver, I'll give her my jacket!

"Do you want my jacket?"I ask her she smiles

"Yes"She tells me, I take off my jacket and give it to her. Then I check the time and I need to drop her off :(

We get into the car, then I notice I see someone familiar with black clothing but no mask...he has brown hair. I then take Amie to school, we say our goodbyes then I go home. I open the door to see Elijah alone on the couch, maybe I should've been here with him. Dang it! Did I mess it up? Great!

"Where's Diamond?"I ask him, sitting next to him

"She's in the bathroom changing into some cleaner clothes"He tells me, maybe I didn't mess their thing up? Or maybe I screwed everything for them up?

"I saw someone break into Diamond's house"I whisper to him, he gives me a worried look

"Who was it?"He asks me I shrug my shoulders and say...

"I don't know but I recoginze him from school but I don't know his name. And he was wearing all black clothing for some weird reason and a black mask. But I don't know why though because it's really noticable and obvious during the day."I tell him

"Oh..umm..I don't want Diamond going anywhere that there might be danger."He tells me, I nod then I see Diamond walk into the living room...

Bullied By The Pals { Sketch x Reader } 💔Discontinued💔Where stories live. Discover now