3: Why me?

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Song Recommended: One More Light by Linkin Park (I'm use this song a lot in this story, it has inspired a lot of chapters, including this one)

Jimin breathes deeply, covering his ears with his tiny body shaking feverishly. Yet he can still hear them, so loudly.

The only thing blaring his consciousness and the outside world. 

"Come out chunky chimmy, we were just having fun!"

He snaps his eyes closed, fighting hard to not let out a cry when he hears the footsteps growing closer. He knew he shouldn't have came to this stupid football game. The only reason he thought it was a good idea in the first place was because maybe he thought he would have fun. Perhaps it would be like in movies where he finds a friend and they can complain together how they don't enjoy sports and have a lasting friendship.

Bullshit, it only happens in movies. Not in Jimin's life.

He can't be that lucky.

He never is.

That's why he wasn't surprised when roughed hands dragged him from his hiding spot behind the dumpsters and throws him to the ground. Almost instantly he feels the hits all over his body, specifically on his legs. Jimin cries out in pain as he holds his head, taking in the hits since he can't fight for his life. Especially since there's more than one of them in this attack.

Despite experiencing this for such a long time, he should've found a technique or something to get away, but he never did. 

He's weak compared to them, in every way possible. 

At that moment Jimin wishes they could do him the favor and kill him.

End his misery for once.

A hard strike on his stomach sends him wheezes and they finally stop, laughing down at his weak body.

Why did they stop? They should've kept going.

End his life for all he cares at this point.

Maybe then he'll be happy with God, and he'll get to hug Jesus and run in the fields to his desire. 

Death sounds beautiful from this view. 

"Such a loser, always a lowlife bitch," Damien spits down at him, walking away with the rest of his little crew, going back to watch the game.

Jimin lays there, motionless, while being in complete pain. He stares ahead to the sky with empty eyes, the soothing wind brushing his fresh wounds exposed to the air, stinging him but not like he minds it.

Actually funny enough, he can't really feel it anymore.

He can't feel anything. 

Why can't he feel anything? The sadness or anger never came. It all feels.... Empty.

It's so empty. 

Even as Jimin reverted to a prayer under his breath, hoping to feel something at least to make him feel human, but nothing ever came.

He's a broken shell with nothing inside.

"I'm never going to find a way out, am I?" He asks himself, his voice cracking to the realization. 

When will this end? When for once in his life will people care about him and how he feels?

Care about him being alive...

But jokes on them, Jimin doesn't care at this point about being alive, about being himself or anyone. He's useless to the world, only with pain and emptiness following his path.

There's no other source of happiness he has to look forward to.

On this road of life, his life, nothing really good has came out of it.

No good friends.

No good parents.

No good ..... Anything.

There's nothing good about his life, and he doesn't understand why if he has done everything good?

He has tried to be a good person, and take care of himself and be good to others.

But why.... Why does life suck so much?

Why God? Why me? Why give this burden to me?

Why put me here if I'm only ever going to suffer?

So Jimin slowly gets himself up, groaning slightly from the pain on his leg and limps away from the school. The night is beautiful, as always. Cars zoomed by in its usual speed, ignoring Jimin's limp figure as he walks down the sidewalk - trying to hold himself together from collapsing. His mind is rushing with so many thoughts at once, along with the ache of his body the more he moved.

He's pretty sure they damaged some muscle on his leg, or tendon - something just isn't right.

The more Jimin walks, he ended up spotting a familiar bridge up ahead, his chest clenching with anxiety yet with anticipation.

He won't back out this time, this is it for him.

Entirely it.

There's no reason to live when there's a great majority of reasons to die.

So when Jimin makes it to the bridge, he pauses and looks over the railing. The river is calm and dark, the bridge isn't too high up from the water. Anyone that jumps over this could easily survive, but Jimin doesn't want to survive.

With shaking hands, he climbs over the railing, with teary eyes staring at the cars passing by.

This is it.

No more pain.

Jimin slowly turns, eyes locked with the water, letting his tears fall from his eyes as the moon shines down at him.

Time to see what's on the other side.



Oh no Jimin......

Someone better come fast!

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