29: Break Up

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Faded- Alan Walker


"Can we....... Just remain as friends?"

Jimin's mind flew blank to that. His heart stopped beating and his pulses ran cold. This was definitely something he was not expecting.

At all.

It was yesterday since he kissed Jungkook, and today he was going to tell Yoongi about it but the other already had plans to talk to him. So that's why they're here, in this familiar music room, breaking up.

Ouch.... it actually hurt more than Jimin expected it too.

"What?" Jimin whispers, feeling his hands shaking with a slight anxiety.

Stay calm.

Stay calm.

Yoongi sighs and turns to him from the seat on the piano, "I don't want to make you feel upset, but..... I think it'll be better for the both of us if we remain just as friends."

Does he know?!

Did someone catch him??

Jimin pouts slightly, feeling his eyes start stinging, "Why?"

It's not like he wasn't going to do the same thing either way because he knows adultery is just a plain no in a relationship, but.... It hurts a lot.

He doesn't want to break up with Yoongi...

The other has been a spine to his back since he got here, and they have developed a strong friendship apart from a relationship as well.

He just.... Grew attached to Yoongi, and he didn't expect for this break up to feel this heavy on his chest.

Don't get Jimin wrong, he knows he did something unforgiveable and he doesn't deserve Yoongi, but.... That guilt is what's eating him alive.

Yoongi grabs his hand and interlaces their fingers together, "Because we aren't meant to be together. You belong to someone else and so do I."

For a moment Jimin lets the words sink in, feeling a strong hallow start to swallow him up from the inside.

He has to be honest.

So Jimin gulps and grips his hand, "I..... If we are going to end this..... I need you to know-"

"Please don't," Yoongi cuts him off, a pain gleam in his eyes, "Whatever you've done.... Don't tell me.... I want you in my life, and the less I know the better, okay?"

Jimin frowns and softly caresses his knuckles, feeling himself the need to burst out crying at this very moment, "I'm sorry."

To his surprise Yoongi grabs him and engulfs him in a tight hug. Jimin wanted to cry. He wanted to cry so badly for feeling so guilty on the inside, but Yoongi being the angel he is, whispered comforting words against his ears.

"You don't need me anymore," Yoongi whispers and pulls away, a forced smile on his lips, "Be strong, okay? I'll be here right for you, always."

Jimin numbly nods, letting the other male guide them both out of the music room and down the hallway. However, Jimin feels himself growing a sense of panic. He feels like everyone is watching him, seeing how unfaithful he is.

Do they know?

They couldn't right?

They're still looking?

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