45: Suffering

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Arsonists Lullaby - Hozier

-Suicide attempt (talks about it briefly)
-Suicidal thoughts
-Family abuse


Blood, so much..... Blood.

Jimin lays on the bathroom floor, weak and shaking feverishly as the bloody blade laid a few feet beside him, being witness of what he did to himself. His accomplice. His remedy to his pain.

So many cuts.

So much pain.

He gained what he wanted.

He feels numb.

Completely numb, but to his dismay that lingering emptiness is still there buried in his chest.

It's been a while week, and Jimin reached his breaking end.

Jungkook is missing, and Jimin has lost his fucking sanity to how no one seems to be worried as much as he is.

The first night when they planned to meet up at Jimin's room, Jungkook didn't come as he promised he would, but Jimin didn't over think it too much since he expected the taller to probably have slept it over or maybe something came up. The next day, Jungkook made no signs to reach out to Jimin what so ever, he didn't even come to the movies either.

Jimin would ask the boys where he might've been off to or just anything about his sudden disappearance, but they said he probably had to do something with his family like he usual does, that's why he ditches sometimes. Jimin knew better than to believe that, he knows Jungkook wouldn't stay with his family.

So Jimin took it upon himself to figure out what's going on.

That night he went to Jungkook's room and he stayed there the whole night, all the way though morning yet still not sign of him either, but the he did hear his parents down stairs. Even after staying in his room all day, still nothing, and by then Jimin began to panic. He felt so alone and confused, and his anchor wasn't there to help him not think about his own personal demons, so he tried to hold it in and decided to believe the boys that he probably had something to do during that weekend.

Sunday pulled through, and still nothing.

Monday, a school day, Jungkook didn't come and that was an open invitation for Ty to beat Jimin up with the rest of Damien's boys, while his usual bully wasn't there. Without Jungkook there, the golden boys weren't around Jimin as often, except for Yoongi since he knew without Jungkook here meant for Jimin. So he would beat up the group that would hurt Jimin and would take him to the nurses office.

The beatings didn't hurt as bad than how no one took Jungkook's absence as a big deal, Jimin was the only one worried and maybe even Yoongi as well, but even his friends didn't batter a worried eye to the topic when it would come up.

How aren't they concerned?

This isn't like his Jungkook! Why can't they see that!

And that's when Taehyung showed him a message from Jungkook, saying he had things to do and doesn't know when he'll be back to school but that he's perfectly fine. There's so many things wrong the second Jimin read that message.

Why couldn't no one see that was a lie! Not even his best friends!

Jungkook wouldn't miss school because he's terrified of his parents!

Or maybe it was all in his head?

What if he's overthinking this too much?

No.... Jungkook wouldn't..... He wouldn't leave me out of no where!

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