42: Standing Up For Myself

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Angel by the Wings - Sia


Six bodies instantly formed a wall in front of the terrified, small boy as they see Damien and his posse walking up to them in this now empty hallway, his head held high with his whole chest puffed out in that familiar dominating aura; only intimidating Jimin to the point he's practically shrinking behind Jungkook, one hand fisting his shirt tightly while the other fists Yoongi's sweater from behind.

He can't do this.

He can't stand up to Damien.

Anyone but him, it's too soon.

"Move along Damien," Namjoon spoke up, his voice an octave lower with his eyes stone cold to Jimin's bully, "Jimin is with us, so don't even try anything grimy."

The taller male with the murderous hazel eyes only smirks smugly, especially when he meets Jimin terrified eyes, "Look at you little heathen, got yourself six body guards.... Or six sluts, hm?"

Jungkook was about to take a step forward, hands balled tightly to smash it against Damien's cocky face, but he stops by Jimin's hand grips on his shirt tight;;y, "You will respect Jimin you piece of shit! Get the fuck out of here before this really do start to get messy."

And that's when Jimin's horror only increased to Damien's now dark eyes filled with amusement, yet holds a mischievous dark gleam that is sickly familiar to the small church boy.

This is about to get worse.

"Oh? Did little chunky chimmy have a boyfriend now?" Damien taunts dauntingly, his eyes still trained on Jimin, "Last time I checked wasn't that against your little good boy hand book, hm?"

Now this triggered something in Seokjin, having this need to say something.

To not relive the moments of his past before his eyes once again.

He's not going to remain silent anymore.

"The bible was never specific whether or not being gay is a sin," Seokjin snaps, feeling a sense of nostalgia hit his senses with every need to speak on Jimin's behalf, "Don't twist God's words for your own personal game and use it in vain."

Yoongi furrows his eyebrows and cranes his head to look at him, seeing the passion and glow behind his eyes as he speaks his mind.

Was Seokjin religious too?

This a new side of him that not everyone has ever seen before, not even Namjoon who has known him the longest.

Damien perks an eyebrow up, "Is that so? Hm right, shall I name the verse, or should you?" He continues to taunt Jimin, only grinning widely when Jimin averts his gaze away from his eyes and down to the ground, knowing well which one he's talking about, "Leviticus 20:13, what does it state, Park Jimin."

By now tears leaked Jimin's eyes, his lips wobbling as he turns around, closes his eyes to only focus on himself as he begins to whisper a prayer underneath his breath, "The lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in a path of righteousness for his name's sake-"

"Aw can't face your own sins huh?" Damien laughs with his icy cold eyes, "Let me remind it for you then," He sneers bitterly, "Leviticus 20:13, 'If a man lies with a male as one lies with a women-"

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

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