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((If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to make this as cringy as possible.))

Sign ran into her room and shut the door. "Well great..." She stares at the bag in her hands and smiles a little. "At least I still have this.." She starts eating the chips again.

She keeps thinking about what happened earlier. "Yay... now I'll be thinking about that if I ever talk to Balloony again..."

Eventually, they run out, like all food items. "Great.." Sign sighed in dismay.

She creeps downstairs, hoping no one will find her. She hears GB talking to herself downstairs. "Well good job me. You broke apart a relationship! WOOOOOOOOOOO-"

Sign sneaks past GB effortlessly to the living room.

However, when Sign thought she was not going to be seen by anyone else, she comes across Balloony. Duh, why wouldn't they bump into each other?

"Uh, where are you going?" Balloony asks Sign. "OH GOSH, SORRY I WAS TRYING TO SNEAK OUT-" She replies to him, bumping into him and not seeing who it was. Even though Balloony's voice was distinct, she had no idea who she bumped into, because logic.

"...Uh. Okay..." Balloony confusedly replied. He sips on some soda he got some way, somehow. Sign continued to freak out. "I WAS GETTING VERY AKWARD AND I NEEDED SOME CHIPS--" she panic-screeched, somehow misspelling 'awkward' in the process. (They're having a verbal conversation, how does that even work?)

Sign looked at who it was she was apologizing to, only then realizing exactly who the guy was. "Oh... um..." she stammered. The airhead stopped sipping his soda and stared at her. Some milliseconds of silence later, he replies with a stammer of his own, "Aaa... Uh..."

At this rate, I'm getting so hopelessly bored of describing this situation that I just decided to sit back and let all this happen for no particular reason. But, I remember that this story can't even freakin' continue without me so, I guess I have to do this now. Back to the lovers, then.

Balloony sat there on the couch, again, staring at the awkward Sign. "You could have just asked..." he proposed.

Once again, the bossy bot becomes a sneaky bruh and takes out her camera. Why? She's flippin' horny, that's why.

And, once again again, as oblivious as they come, Balloony adds to his proposition to sweeten the "deal". "I have plenty more!" he exclaims like an anime protagonist. Sign, being the little Evan Hansen copy she is, thinks to herself in a panic. 'WHATTHEHECKYOUJUSTASKEDHIMOHDEAR-' she thought to herself, like a Mary Sue maniac.

"Oh.. Thanks..." Sign muttered out in a monotonous voice. "Yeah.." The humanized balloon smiles at the Sue. He grabs a bag of chips, thinking he's in the kitchen for whatever reason and gives said bag to Sign. "Here you go-" he pauses. Sign goes in to hug him, but she types her actual responses slower than Balloony. He thinks out loud: "Waaaait.... I feel like I'm being watched."

Once Sign actually decided to post her response to the airhead, she unwittingly responds the wrong way by completely ignoring his second statement. She hugs him. "Thanks."

Afterwards, she lets go first and leaves him in the lobby, smiling.

Once again again again, GB goes horny for these two idiots falling in love with each other. "this is hot" she whispers to herself, somehow using the wrong punctuation. (Again, VERBAL CONVERSATION! HOW THE F[sex]K DOES THIS WORK?!)

Balloony is taken aback by the wooden loser's response and actions. "OH Gee, I didn't know you liked those chips so much..."

Sunflower, who has such a way with words, stands by Golf Ball and says "o h-". This catches GB off guard as she screams.

The airhead gets flustered and walks away from the now non-existent scene, scratching the back of his head in a flushed embarrassment. Meanwhile, Sign hears the bossy bot's screams and gets slightly pissed at her. "OH DON'T TELL ME-"

This started a few chain reactions, but seeing as this was a text roleplay, it's not all that much.

GB screeched again "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE THERE-" followed by an "E e p !" from the only distinguishable plant in the scene. the former then hears Sign, and starts running away. "WAIT I GOT CAUGHT BAIL". Needle sat down like a poop, watching this all unfold in front of her.

Luckily, the lovebirds were still in the same room as each other, along with the the really bossy robot and the plant. Balloony dashes to the humanized golf ball and smacks the camera away from her hands, while Sign runs over to the albino to throw hands. Balloony shouts "NO YOU DONT!" "aaaAHHH- MY CAMERA!!"

However, in an act of not understanding mental breakdowns properly, Sign halts and falls to the floor, sobbing. "OH SHHHHHH-"

"Run!" Sunflower screams, giggling to herself while running away somewhere. GB, in an attempt to escape, but unable to properly process what had happened to Sign because of typing, yelps out "GET SUNFLOWER INSTEAD-!"

Only now do I notice how much these people overuse the hyphen to cut their sentences off.

GB, reeling from the current screams, stops to look around. "waitwhatshappening". "Idek anymore-" replies Sunflower. Same, kid, same...

The former then glared at the crying little s[poop]t on the floor. "oh damn" GB muttered to herself, "this is the 230th time Sign cried this week". Being a little self-assured b[girl dog]h GB is, she reassured everyone with "dont worry she'll be fine!! BALLOONY GO COMFORT HER"

Balloony, unsure of how to approach this, doubtingly says "Uhh, OKAY-". He goes off what he knows, and calmly sneaky sneaks towards her. "Uh... You okay?"

[ON HOLD] A Love Story Unfinished | BFDI/BFB FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now