Chapter 4

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So, I might've deleted Chapter 5, so I am completely rewriting this.

Monday Morning
Chapter 4

Light seeped through the thin, honey coloured curtains, adding to the room's aesthetic. The light brown headed boy felt his eyes slowly pull apart. Only met with the room's white ceiling, his brown pupils wander around the room. Honey-yellow scattered around the room as the white stripes crept up the walls.

Getting up, Renjun looked at the hanged polaroids that swayed lightly on the wall behind his small desk, rows and rows reaching up to the ceiling. Renjun smiled lightly as he remembered the memories they all held.

Turning to the side, he approached his white drawer, piecing together a simple outfit. He quickly snatched his yellow hoodie, feeling the cloth over his bare skin. Black ripped jeans and accessories to match the contrasting colour.

He swayed downstairs, reaching the kitchen for a piece of toast. Whistling as he waits, a grumble enters his earshot. He pauses his whistling. Loud thuds getting louder, like thunder on a stormy night. Frightened, the young boy finds himself feeling smaller and smaller as he watches the silhouette walk across the living room. The woman escapes his vision has she entered the dining room, a sense of relief washing over him.

A 'ping' like sound resonated through the kitchen, signaling the sound of the metal toaster. Whistling once more, he headed out the door with the bread in his mouth.

His eyes wandered around the narrow street, the calming sounds of nature lifting his mood.He felt himself getting lost in the beautiful neighborhood scenery. A smile settled on his lips, soon cut off by a dolphin-like yelp. He spun himself around, meeting the eyes of his younger friends.

His only friends, Chenle and Jisung ran to him, glancing at each other before they enveloped the elder in a bear hug. They soon let go as they walked toward their school. Smiles lingered on their faces as they made small comments about the youngers' date, a pink hue not leaving the two's cheeks.

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