Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The bell echoed through the halls. Renjun deciding to head to class before the others had even moved. Swiftly, he snatched his bag and left. He heard soft sighs coming from the table, momentarily stopping before picking up his original pace.

The boy entered the small science classroom, almost dropping onto his stool. He looked around the room to find that only a few random people we're there. Glancing at the clock, he waited for someone familiar to enter and to his luck, it only took a few moments. His science seatmate, Sicheng, entered the dull classroom. Renjun sighed in content as the other sat next to him as soon as he saw the younger male.

"Tch, what happened in the lunchroom. I saw you sitting with them," Sicheng stated, obviously curious about the situation.

"Nothing..." Renjun trailed off a bit. He clearly did not want to talk about the topic. The elder let it slide as he turned to the front. Though he was still wondering what happened, he did want to aggravate the other even more than he already was. Renjun noticed this but simply did not want to speak. Luckily for him, the teacher had walked in.


Renjun sighed as he left the school, still very upset about the matter. His pace quickened as he saw a familiar group of boys. To his surprise, he heard a voice call out to him, "Renjunnie!~"

He heaved his body forward, not caring about anybody else at the moment. His small body was yanked back. This time, it was Jeno, not the male he had heard.

"Listen, we're sorry if Mark had made you sad." Renjun sighed at the taller, not looking at him but at the floor. He hummed towards him and turned himself back around.

"I'm gonna get going." He croaked out, speed walking down his usual route. He was a tad bit frustrated and visibly showed it. Sighing, the Chinese male headed toward his house.

He stopped by a small book shop, scanning it for a bit before entering. A soft honey-colored shelf caught the male's eyes immediately. He looked around the quiet shop, eyes wandering for a book to read. Luckily enough, he found a book called Where The Mountain Meets The Moon. (A/N: I love this book)

He started at it before carrying it to the counter, where he was met with a nice old man. The two talked for a bit before the teenager left to go home.

Renjun didn't look up til he heard soft hums from in front of him. He looked up to see a familiar figure

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