Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The two rushed towards the front porch, each worried about the older, Chinese male. Their minds were clouded with anxiety with only one thing stuck in their minds. Renjun was in there and all they had to do was push a single button.

"You do it, " Jaemin suddenly spun his head around towards the older teen, hands shaking slightly. The older male shook his head as he harshly pressed the doorbell, hurting his finger in the process. Jaemin stifled out a chuckle at the action. "Shut up"

Jaemin hummed in response as the door suddenly slammed open, revealing a short petite lady. The woman was wearing a dark blue dress with a white apron paying overtop of the dress.

"Hello???" She said with confusion laced into her sweet voice.

"Uhm... hi! We're wondering if Renjun is okay?" Jaemin stumbled on his words a bit as he fiddled with his fingers. The woman hummed a bit before moving to let them in. The two boys froze a bit, tension thickening.

The lady snickered in amusement but then lead them towards a room on the second floor. Jeno took the lead, he held the younger's hand all the way up the stairs. Jaemin was grateful and tightened his grip around Jeno's hand.

They soon entered a yellow, small room that had small decorations scattered around. It was tidy and a cozy feel. What caught their attention the most was the body sprawled out on the small bed in the corner of the room. Snores emitted from the sleeping boy's mouth, making the three giggle before the lady left the room.

Jeno and Jaemin moved cautiously towards the boy, wondering if he was a light sleeper. In deep thought, Jeno slipped on the leg of the wooden chair, causing a loud thump as he fell on the hard floor. The two cursed under their breath.

The Chinese male, on the other hand, woke up to the disturbance; slowly opening his droopy eyes. He was shocked to say the least. Who would've expected two - handsome - teenagers in their room when they wake up?

"What are you doing here?" He shrieked, leaning against the now messy bed. Jeno yelped a bit as he held his knee; still on the floor. The Chinese noticed the action as he scrambled down to help him.

"Jing Jing!"

A lanky older woman, dressed in a nurse's outfit suddenly entered the room moments later. She promptly knelt down to help the injured, doing her work quickly. The males watched in astonishment.

Soon enough, the Korean male was sat up against a chair (the same chair he stumbled on) with something on his knee, still being able to move it.

They sat in silence as the woman left, an eerie aura surrounding them. Jaemin, annoyed at the turn of events, grunted before turning towards the Chinese male.

"We have to tell you something..."

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