regina is now in the hospital after drinking a clear worm and the world is going to hell. the zombie apcolypes has started because doctor whale tried to revive my will to live and now flesh eating creatures were on satans doorstep.
but who is satan you ask?
"ah, regina. nice to see you again," says hades as regina walks through the pearly gates. "hell has been quiet without you."
"what?" she asks completly confused about what he's talking about.
"oh right. you dont remember do you? you used to be satan but you ereased your memories to go to the mortal realm." informs hades.
"oh cool," says regina unsure how to react.
"regina! please wake up" begs emma at the side of the bed. she holds regina's hand lovelying, cradeling it like a lifesaver. she even squishes it like a livesaver gummy.
suddenly regina shoots up fully awake.
"emma!" she gasps out.
"my queeeeen!"
then before they can say anything a zombie breaks into the room....