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~katherine revealing her feelings while you're asleep, being too afraid of you being taken away, thinking love is her weakness~

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~katherine revealing her feelings while you're asleep, being too afraid of you being taken away, thinking love is her weakness~

you let katherine stay the night at your house after her not being able to find somewhere else for the night. when she asked you, you could feel the tinge of embarrassment in her tone and smiled, knowing you only had one bed. you longed to spend a night with her, especially if the night was spent with in each other's arms.

twelve minutes after you stepped inside after coming home by yourself, waiting for katherine to arrive, you felt a presence outside your door. once you opened it, there revealed a smiling katherine. your heart melted at the sight, for she never used that smile for anyone else. it was genuine and meaningful. before she could say anything, you stepped aside and pulled her in, hoping you weren't too eager. once she was inside, you led her up to the bathroom to show her the things you put out for her. you knew she had a long day and you wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible.

when she laid her eyes on everything, her heart swelled, hurting her chest. no one has ever done anything so small, but so meaningful for her. katherine knew right then that she was enamored with you.

"wow," she says. "thank you so much, y/n. this means a lot."

"of course." you reply. "anything for you." you whispered at the end, hoping she hadn't heard. but she did. and she was happy. and the truth is, she would do anything for you, also. "well, i'll be in my room when your done. most likely asleep."

she chuckles. "okay, goodnight."

once katherine is finished and goes to your bedroom, she finds you sleeping peacefully on your bed.

"i wish i could wake up to that every morning," she mumbles to herself, thinking of how happy she would be with you.

she walk over to the empty side of your queen sized bed and crawls in beside you, before looking at you with admiration.

"oh, y/n. what are you doing to me?" she asks rhetorically. "all you do is mind your businesses, not doing anything to catch my attention, and yet you have. quite honestly, and i've never said this with so much meaning before, but i think i love you." she looks away. "but i can't have you know that. for our enemies shall think i'm weak, and take you as a way to get to me. i cannot let that happen." she lays down. "i can not loose the only thing i live for."

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