tragically destined pt.3

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-katherine's pov-

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-katherine's pov-

after my forced conversation with elena, i went back to my temporary place just outside of mystic falls. and after her begging and begging along with damon, i reluctantly agreed to help them out with klaus. why? i have no idea. something inside me just told me to.

as i was working on my part of the plan, my phone started ringing for the bazilyionth time today. i rolled my eyes at the sound and picked it up, speaking into it with aggravation, thinking it was damon or elena.

"what?" i wait for a response and i just hear a light gasp. a light gasp that sounds so familiar. my eyebrows furrow in confusion and i speak up again. "hello? you better not be some weirdo." what i heard next nearly made me fall out of my seat.


my eyes widen at the sound of her voice and grip onto my chair to steady myself. "y/n? ohmygod is that really you?"

i hear her small chuckle on the other line and i smile to myself, knowing it was her just by that. "yes! oh, how i missed you." i smile even wider at her tainted accent and i feel my throat begin to swell.

"i've missed you more!" i pause. "wait! where where you? are you okay?"

i hear her chuckle once again and i can just imagine her sweet smile. "i'm okay, my love. i'm sorry that i haven't found you sooner." she sighs a bit. "i got trialed as a witch when i was in south america and spent the last few hundred years in the atlantic in that damn iron casket, until a fisherman pulled me out. how i survived? i don't know. but i'm here now."

"wait, what the hell?" i say in disbelief. "are you serious? how are you even calling me?"

"trust me. i wish i was kidding. you should've seen the looks i got when i was walking around in my drenched underdress," she laughs quietly. "but at least i woke up on a nice island. and i just stole this device and asked someone to teach me how to use it."

i shake my head and smile softly. only she can have an insane story like that. "what island?"

"some girl said it's called barbados. she was really tall."

i laugh at her and smile more, thinking of how it's like we never went out separate ways. "what was the girl's name?"

"i don't remember. all i know is that it started with an 'r' and that she was visiting her family."

my eyes widened at her statement. "uhm, baby?"


"did she say her name was rihanna?" i asked cautiously. i hear her hum quietly and i knew she was thinking.

"ehm, no. that's not what she said."

i sigh, a little disappointed. but right as the sigh left my mouth, she spoke up again.

"oh! i remember! she said it was robyn." i could hear pride in her voice as she remembered and i nearly smiled. but as soon as i was about to, i nearly choke on my spit as i comprehend the name she just said.

"holy shit! y/n!" i say excitedly.

"what?" she laughs.

"you just met rihanna!"

"who?" she asks, confused. i can basically see her face contort into confusion and her nose wrinkling up a bit. i giggle and explain.

"she's a famous singer. her first name is robyn but she goes by rihanna."

i hear her 'oh' at my explanation. "that's why there were a people squealing around me. i just thought they were crazy."

"yeah, those are just her fans."

"oh, okay. well that explains a lot."

my eyebrows furrow again, this time in a bit of amusement. "what do you mean?"

"she gave me some modern clothes to wear and these insane girls tried to take them from me. i had to compel them to go away. those little rats. trying to leave me with my chest nearly bare for everyone to see."

i laugh loudly at her and shake my head. "sounds like quite the experience. did you feed?"

"yeah, just a little. i'm scared i'll hurt someone."

i frown a little at that. "alright. well i'll get a flight and i'll be there in a bit okay?"

"what do you mean flight?"

"i'll let you know the next time i see you," i giggle. "and one more thing."


"how did you get my number?"

"i broke into the prime minister's office and had her hack the records."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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