tragically destined

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old request from @ducdhck
(sorry about the wait🥺)

~katherine speaks about you, trying to explain to elena why it's hard for her to love anyone again~

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~katherine speaks about you, trying to explain to elena why it's hard for her to love anyone again~

"just tell me, katherine!" elena demands exhaustedly, looking down at the older vampire sitting against the wall. she needs to know why katherine is the way she is. why she can be so heartless. yet, how she can be so kind when she wants to be. which is hardly ever. "please, just tell me. help me understand."

"that's the thing, elena." katherine speaks quietly. she looks up to the younger doppelgänger, her eyes filled with sorrow, but somehow still held warmth. chills threatened to spread over elena's skin at the sight, never seeing her in this state. "i don't think you will truly understand. and hopefully you won't ever have to."

elena pauses, a little taken aback by her words. "what do you mean?"

katherine sighs, her heart hurting as she thinks about you. "i know you have lost a lot of people. and it stinking hurts. i get it." she pauses, trying to find her words. "but loosing the light of your life, the actual sun that warms your soul - that actually makes you believe you have a soul - over and over causes you to be someone you don't care to be, hoping that being that way will somehow take away some of your pain."

they stay silent for a few moments, until elena's gentle voice breaks the silence.

"who was he?"

katherine smiles softly at her assumption. "her name is y/n."

elena's eyes widen slightly. "oh. i-i'm sorry. i didn't know."

katherine lets out a quiet laugh, always finding it amusing when elena stutters. "it's okay. to be fair... she is the only woman i've ever fallen in love with."

elena just nods, waiting for her to go on.

"she is also the only person i could never be with." katherine looks down at her hands that rest on her lap. she sucks in a breath and continues. "she's an original. well...not by blood. she was, in a way, adopted by the mikaelsons when her family was killed in a freak accident back in their old village. mikael and esther took her in and she was turned with the rest of the family. and never would i have thought that i would fall in love with the sister of a maniac that wanted to sacrifice me."

-flashback...england 1492 (katherine's pov)-

i sighed in boredom and slight annoyance as niklaus and elijah showed me around their castle. sure, it's beautiful and they seem nice, but i just don't feel at home or safe. maybe that's because i was exiled out of my own country, but still, something isn't right about them, or this place.

being in the middle of a party i didn't want to go to in the first place is already tiring and torture enough. trevor owes me for making me come. but i guess i do need to meet new people.

i was suddenly stopped in my tracks by a girl my age standing in front of me with a surprised expression. elijah and niklause stopped beside me and the girl spoke quietly, her y/e/c eyes piercing into mine. "tatia?"

my eyebrows furrowed at the way she looked at me. the same way elijah had, like they've seen me before. or someone that looked like me.

and tatia? who is that?

elijah cleared his throat loudly before i could respond. "katerina, this is our sister y/n. she's only here for a few days for niklaus's birthday celebration." he then turned to the girl in front of me. "y/n, this is katerina."

the expression on girl before me vanished and she gave me an apologetic smile. "my apologies, katerina. i can be a bit..." she paused and flailed her hands around her head frantically with a slight chuckle. "you know?"

"i do. i'm like that sometimes, also." i giggle at her actions. i quickly notice that her accent is slightly different from her brothers. so is her appearance, but i don't want to question that in case it's rude to ask.

she smiled genuinely at my response and i felt my heart skip a beat at the sight. not once had someone's smile made my heart react the way it did, but there is just something about her.

"wait until you really get to know her," klaus interrupts. "she's insane." he says playfully and y/n scoffs, hitting him on the shoulder .

"i am not!" she defends herself.

"you are a bit, sister. and also a bit unladylike," elijah joins in and i can't help but smile at y/n's reaction.

"you really betray me, brother?" she asks elijah teasingly, throwing her hand over her heart to be dramatic. i laugh out a bit and speak up.

"well, i think we're going to be good friends."

and i realized at that moment, she somehow eased me, making me feel a little safer than before.

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