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The only thing worse than someone thinking you're dead and being happy about it, is you wishing for the exact same thing. Maleficent's unconscious mind kept replaying the disastrous events that had unfolded in the days past. It felt as if time had stood still in the dank and dark cave her loyal crow subjects had flown her to for refuge, and now her unexpected slumber had become her own personal hell. The overzealous, and outrageously chivalrous, Prince had assisted those damn fairies to setting her castle on fire, after assuming he had slain her while she had been in dragon form. She hadn't been expecting such gallantry from the Prince or such true love and sincerity. It was such powerful, yet simple magic. One she had overlooked and seriously underestimated, and because she had, it sealed her epic failure. There had been so many before him professing their love and devotion to the sleeping Princess. Oh, how She had relished in delight at their many amusing demises, as well as the good King Philip's woe, and his once beautiful Queen's grief at losing their daughter to a sleeping curse. It gave her great joy and pleasure to see the man who had ruined her youth so broken and defeated by her own hands. She had almost taken the one thing that meant the world to him away and for a moment she had thought her plan had worked perfectly. She had not suspected that a boy no more than twenty summers, wielding only a sword and shield, along with a single kiss would be her and her magic's undoing, but it had been. Her body had been turned back into its human form naked,burned, and battered. The pain of the transformation was too much for her to bear, rendering her unconscious. She didn't recall the swarm of crows who came to her rescue and quickly flew her here.

Her plan now thwarted, she lay sleeping, hoping her dreams would allude to her the errors she had made, not just with this damned curse, but in her life. Unfortunately, they did not. It just kept showing her the pain and anguish she had endured to become who she had become. The Prince's blade had burned her when it sliced through her underbelly, but the pain paled in comparison to losing to a King who had murdered the love of her life in cold bold. A King who couldn't lead his Kingdom. This was the time when she felt the world seemed unjust and unfair. He would continue to be blessed, highly favored and prosper, while she became the other enemy. A wicked witch that lived on Dragon rock, now defeated by the same man who started it. She had fought back her hardest, but it just wasn't good enough. Yes, she wanted nothing more to do with revenge or curses, or life for that matter, because it never seem to work in her favor. She wanted to sleep, and wanted the world to forget the woman who had made the King's daughter a legend...

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