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Present Day... Small Town Somewhere in North America...

The thick, black smoke seemed to form out of thin air. Billowing and moving slowly over the small town. Blanketing it in its dark, magical doom. Flores, now Queen of Fairies and Fae, had been watching the spell unfold. She had been standing above the dell beside the road that led down to it. A small town that was nestled in a scenic and lush valley.

Flores admired the quaint beauty of it, even as she watched it being devoured by the evil cloud. Her gift of premonition had led her here without warning. Mind you, She had been driving home from a trip that had been over one hundred miles away from this location, and in the opposite direction of where she had to drive to get home. When she finally arrived she immediately got out of her car and stood where she was now, overlooking the valley. Looking for any sign as to why she was here. Then it came to her. Hitting her like someone had just punched her in her gut. The knots in her stomach tightened,and she suddenly felt ill, and just as soon as she had felt unwell she became herself again. She knew that was her body's way of warning her of the doom that was to follow. Moments later it began. She gasped in disbelief at the magic she saw being unleashed before her very eyes.

She had only ever seen this particular spell one other time in her life, and that had been a very, very long time ago. She had been just another young Fairy then, and not the Queen that she was today. That time had become so legendary that they turned it into a bedtime story to appease the humans fear, but never allow the Fae to forget the horror that was done because of one wicked witch. The story was called 'Sleeping Beauty,' and although the story was true, some characters had been changed. For instance, they were Fairies, but they were not old ladies, or pint-sized as the story would have us believe . They were petite, no more than five feet four inches tall. Each one looked no more than seventeen,with white hair.

Flores' hair was white with hot pink ends. She loved to wear it in a braid crown. She was slender, with dimples that made her look sweet. She loved living in the Anno Domini Century (21st Century to mortals). It was such a carefree fast evolving era. She was happy that they no longer had to hide. Her sisters, herself and her Fairy Kin could be themselves after all of these centuries. when Fairies come of age and gain their magical powers the tips of their white hair turn a different color. That color symbolizes and embodies their magical properties. In this era every human around the world had pink, or, red, or green colored hair. The fashion of this time was not to her liking however. She preferred wearing vintage, elegant clothing. Long, flowy gowns were her favorite.

Her sisters Fauna and Mary were all unique in their styling choices as well. Fauna was slightly thinner than Flores, and was considered classically beautiful. Her hair was shoulder length and white as well. Her ends were dark green. She enjoyed the casual fashion humans wore nowadays. Her style was more bohemian. Jeans were her absolute favorite; last, but certainly not least was Mary. She was voluptuous, and charming by anyone's standards. Her full, perfectly shaped figure and sweet girl appeal seemed to only make her more attractive to humans, specifically men. She enjoyed the attention and her pencil skirts and deep plunging bodysuits only add fire to the flames. She loved it, but knew her main focus and responsibilities would always be her sisters, and assisting them in protecting the world. Her hair was also white like both of her sisters, but she wore hers styled in a bob with navy blue ends. All three had been blessed with unbelievable magical capabilities. They had accomplished so much within the last five centuries, aside from breaking Maleficent's sleeping curse.

In 1912 they officially established The International Fairy Association. A secret intergovernmental organization that promoted international Fae co-operation and Aide. Flores had been the head of it all and her sisters had been right beside her helping. Their loyalty never wavered. She needed them now, and just as she had thought of them she saw her sisters materialize and walk towards her.

"Oh, dear sister! It seems we've come just in the knick of time." Fauna said.

"This reminds me of Maleficent's magic," Mary observed worry furrowing her smooth brow.

Mary was right. It was Maleficent's spell, but how was it her? If they didn't do something about it now those people would be cursed.

"Yes ! We have to do something before it's too late. We must soften the spell." Flores said, not taking her eyes off of the event unfolding below.

"Like we did with the lovely Princess." Fauna recounted.

"Yes, Fauna, exactly like we did with the Princess." Flores agreed.

Each sister pulled out their wand without saying a word to the other and extended them towards the swirling dark clouds.

Mary spoke the words as she had for the baby so long ago.

"Poor townspeople who have fallen under this wicked trick, where only from the ancient spindle ashes have your soul's felt this prick. A ray of hope shines on this, the gift we give to you all, not in death, but just in sleep the fateful prophecy you all will keep and from this slumber you shall wake to find that true love prevails once again..."

Flashes of blue, pink and green magic surged from each of their wands down throughout the valley, across the black smoke, melting into it, neutralizing and dissipating it while sealing the curse within the perimeters of the town. Protecting and camouflaging the people.

It would hold, but not forever Flores thought. They had to find a way to resolve this fast. There was only one way to stop this. She never thought it would ever be a consideration. They would have to awaken Maleficent. Contrary to popular belief, Maleficent was not dead, as the story would have people believe. She had been sleeping. Flores had known all along. She and Mary had never cared for her evil and wicked ways. Fauna, however, was a different Fairy in that regard. It was in her nature to feel empathy for any and all living things. Flores thought it was an endearing and frustrating trait.

"Sister, we need you to find her and awaken her. Get her to help us." Flores implored Fauna.

"Find her? You mean the stories are true? She is still alive after all this time and you want to Awaken her? Sister how can you be so sure she will want to help us after all we've done...did to her?" Fauna asked. "and why am I to go alone?" She huffed.

She wasn't really upset about going alone. She just didn't like facing darkness alone. She would have thought after all the centuries that had passed she could manage doing this task on her own, and enjoy the solitude, but that was not the case.

They stood atop the valley and saw that their magic had paused the spell and camouflaged the town.They made their descent into the valley. Since no one would be awake they knew it was safe to use magic. They used their wings and flew down to the town. It was a great feeling to be in their full Fairy form, and much faster than driving Flores' car. They found themselves on the main street in the center of the town in no time. As they hovered they noticed every single person was asleep. They looked like corpses, all strangely strewn about. The silence was eerie. Paper danced freely in the wind. Flores noticed a woman that had been walking halfway across the street with her child, who was in a red stroller. The woman had fallen beside the stroller, and the baby resembled a sleeping porcelain doll. Her heart felt heavy at that sight. Who would want to kill these poor innocent people? She had promised herself long ago she would never have to see this atrocity again, but here it was for the second time in her life. They fluttered on, and it all seemed so eerie and strange. They all had one distinct trait. No breath and their lips were cherry red.

Sadness and dread seemed to overwhelm the three Fairies.

They had dealt with this sort of magic once before and they would do it again, Flores thought.

Fauna knew then and there she had to be the one to find Maleficent's slumbering place.

Mary knew in that moment that even though it looked bad there was always hope, so long as they worked together for the good of mankind.

The last thing they saw before they flew away was a young couple. Even while cursed they could see the love they shared for one another. The woman's head was laying on the man's shoulder. Her sleeping expression was one of contentment. The man held her hand inside of his while his chin rested slightly on the top of her head. their unnatural slumber showed how much they loved one another. It was beautiful, sad, and romantic.

Without any words all three flew away knowing they were once again in the presence of one of mankind's worst curses ...

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