Chapter 4

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Wake up you stupid girl ! Wake up ! We've been drugged and tricked. Wake up ! The voice inside of Maleficent's head screamed.

She did as the voice commanded. Her eyes opened. She tried to rub them but the movement was restrained. Her vision focused and became clear. She was sitting in the center of a room made of cobblestones. Her wrists and ankles were chained to the floor.

What had happened to her she wondered.

You fool ! You got us drugged and now they are going to make their move!

She shook her head hoping that would quiet the voice.

Oh, yea shake it off darling. Not today Mal ! We have to escape! said the voice in her head.

She heard the door creak open loudly and watched as Fauna's sisters' came inside, along with two other fairies,one male, the other female. They all wore long crimson red cloaks.

She stood up and looked down. She saw she was standing inside of a pentagram drawn on the stones. Her heart began to race, and she felt the voice in her mind grow quiet. She hated to admit it, but she needed that voice to keep talking to her, especially now. She needed to get out of here. When they stood a few feet in front of her they stopped. They all stood in a circle around her. The Queen stood directly in front of her. She was the only one who wore her cloak without its hood on.

She smirked at Maleficent's predicament, and then spoke.

"I see Mrs. Pepperfield's poppy tea is still as strong as ever. Mary, good work"

Mary said nothing. She felt low, but her sister had promised her for the sake of mankind this was the only way.

"My dear, this may hurt a bit." Flores said.

"What? Where is Fauna?" Maleficent asked.

"She is gone my dear."

She still had that smirk on her face Maleficent noticed.

Fauna had promised her she wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.

You're a fool for believing her. Fairies can't be trusted especially this one. The voice said.

"You look as if you've gained a conscience." Flores said as if she was just seeing this herself. "I guess that's what a five century nap can do. Enough chit chat! Let's get to it."

She backed away from Maleficent's reach and into her spot within the circle they made around her.

"Wands everybody." Flores instructed.

They all pulled them out simultaneously and aimed them at her.

"Ready. Aim. Fire!"

Their magic felt like it was burning Maleficent's skin off, and memories of her being a dragon flashed in her mind with each painful zap. She tensed every muscle in her body to withstand it. She didn't know how long she could hold it in, and then the pain was gone. She inhaled deeply as if she couldn't get enough air, and fell to her knees.

"Again !" She heard Flores yell.

The surge of power felt as if it were burning through every inch of her thin frame. It was so powerful that she could not get up. When they stopped she lost the contents of her stomach on the floor in front of her. The pain was that intense.

"Please stop." She begged in between dry heaves. Tears were streaming down her face.

Once again Flores was surprised by Maleficent's behavior. The Maleficent she knew wouldn't have fallen or begged for mercy. She would have fought them all. That was the Maleficent she needed. Not some doe eyed beauty who had no idea who, or what she was.

"Darling, I wish I could, but I cannot. Again!" Flores yelled.

Maleficent felt her body heating up. She thought it was because of the magic they were bombarding her with. She felt the magic vibrations growing stronger and stronger as it coursed through her body. She held her head back and let out a blood curdling scream. When she did there a was loud clap of thunder. A flash of lightning struck inside of the room in the shape of the evil Maleficent's face.

Flores and the others saw it, Maleficent's sinister shadow silhouette behind the young screaming girl on the wall. They all watched as lightning shot from her hands. She screamed louder and struggled to free herself from the chains that bound her. Her body felt like it was charged and in piercing pain. She felt it all over and with one final scream and a flash of lightning she was gone.

Flores quickly ran to where they had had her shackled. She smiled. Her plan had worked perfectly. It was beginning and soon she would get what she wanted.The curse lifted and Maleficent gone for good.

"It has begun." She announced.

"She will want to help her," Mary confessed, speaking about Fauna.

"So be it," Flores spoke...


Maleficent ran through the woods as the thunder and lightning continued to roll and flash overhead. She didn't know what the Fairy Queen was trying to do to her, or how she even ended up in the forest. One of her shoes were missing, and her pants and shirt were in shreds. She didn't know where she was going. She just ran. Her mind was running as well, flashing memories that seemed foreign and distant, yet painful to her. She decided she would run deep in the woods until she could find safety so she could figure it all out. The thunder and lightning rumbled on. The rain suddenly poured down on her, quickly soaking her clothes. It wasn't letting up. She went from running, to lightly jogging, to speed-walking. She began looking around the dark woods. She was lost. She turned back around. A tree branch hit her in her face. She tripped,stumbled and fell, hitting the left side of her head on a rock. The blow seemed to momentarily paralyze her. She felt herself slipping into the familiar abyss of unconsciousness. She thought she heard the sound of a crow cawing, but thought she was hallucinating. She had to get up and keep going she told herself, but her body would'n't move. She had been through too much and she would have to rest now. She closed her eyes and welcomed the darkness...

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