Chapter 3

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Maleficent was unconscious for another day but awoke with a demure,yet curious disposition. Fauna was enjoying this new Maleficent, who was quiet, but able to smile and show her emotions. She was so transparent, and innocent. Who would have known their social interaction would be delightful. Since Flores had taken up her position as Queen of Fae Fauna had felt isolated from her sister. She knew her sister loved her and had a responsibility to the Crown first and foremost. Being Queen was no walk in the park. The duty would always come before her and Mary's needs and desires. It hadn't taken her sister long after becoming Queen to understand that, but it took a century for Fauna to get accustomed to that fact, she had, or at least she liked to think she had. It seemed her sister trusted Mary and her council more than her. She shook off her feelings of self doubt and watched as Maleficent touched and played with all the light fixtures in her home. She was in awe of dimming and un-dimming the lights in the living room. She reminded Fauna of a child learning about their new surroundings.

She dreaded having to discuss Maleficent's life and who she was now, as opposed to who she had been and the life she had lived four hundred years ago.

"My sisters are coming over today. Hopefully we come up with a solution to this problem." She said from across the room.

"What problem?" Maleficent asked still playing with the light switch in the Living Room.

"You." Fauna stated simply.

"Me?" She stopped messing with the switch when she spoke.

"Yes, well, you aren't you." Fauna rushed on as to try not to alarm her.

"I'm not?" She asked the question so innocently it caught Fauna off guard, and she wished then she had worded her meaning differently.

"No, But you will be." She smiled brightly. Trying to reassure her.

Maleficent had no idea what this girl was talking about as she went on to explain who she was supposed to be. She just smiled back at her and listened intently, because it seemed like the polite thing to do. The truth was that with each story she told to her she started feeling overwhelmed, and out of place. She had had no expectations when she awoke, and now it would seem everyone else did. The world was so very different. It was fast paced and more advanced than she could have ever dreamed of. She could barely remember what it was like to be alive in her day and time. Everytime she tried to recall something it felt foggy, and far away, like a distant memory trapped behind a foggy mirror. She was bombarded with new sounds and images and she just wanted to feel normal, but she had no idea what that was. From what this cute young white and green haired Fairy had been telling her she was not and had never been 'normal'. She had been one of the most wicked Queens in history. A title she no longer thought fit her at this moment. She had gazed at herself into the mirror that hung above Fauna's cream couch. She saw no sign of a 'wicked person' or 'Queen.' She just saw a scared young woman with clear brown eyes. Her life was starting over again and only time would tell if these Fairies were on her side or just using her for whatever they had planned.

She didn't know if she could tell the girl about the female voice deep inside of her head that had been growing louder and telling her to do wicked hideous things the entire day today. She felt like she was battling with her own will. She would smile at Fauna and the voice would tell her she was a smiling idiot with half of a brain. When she had played a game of Chutes & Ladders with Fauna the voice in her mind encouraged her to cheat and to cause bodily harm if she didn't win. It was all so strange. She felt like someone was trapped inside of her trying to get out. Someone the world may not be ready to see...


A few hours later both Maleficent and Fauna were driving over to Flores' home, and Fae Headquarters. Flores had called her hours ago and explained she wanted her to bring Maleficent to her. Fauna thought she detected fear in her sister's voice but shrugged the idea off. Flores was the most confident, and fearless Fairy she knew. Other fairies and Fae admired her steel nerves, and one reason she had been crowned Queen. She wouldn't resort to hurting Maleficent Fauna deduced. They needed her alive. They rounded the corner of the street in her eco-friendly vehicle and arrived at the Manor. It reminded Maleficent of a miniature castle. It's setting was lush, green woods.

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