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I spent many of my nights gazing at the sky wondering if there was something more out there. I have never been much impressed with guys on this planet. I looked back through my telescope and saw two balls of energy moving through the sky. I blinked and removed my glasses. This has got to be a figment of my imagination. I said to myself. The kinetic energy surrounding the  two now fully formed beings started to effect everything around me yet I couldn't look away. Their eyes had me hypnotized as they slowly walked in my direction. Fear had me frozen in place but I was also intrigued. These had to be the sexiest aliens I have ever seen. The closer they got the more beautiful they became.
"Wh-what are you." I managed to get out.
One of them removed my glasses as I stood there trembling in my tracks.
They looked at me with a hungry stare.
"Are you going to kill me?"
"Non." They said in unison.
"Your not going to eat me are you?"
The one with the shorter hair smirked as both of their eyes begin to glow.
"Only if that what you wish mon belle."
I wasn't really sure how to take that.
They continued to step towards me I stumbled backwards.
"Stay back." I said picking up the first thing I could find.
With a slight movement of his hands the one with the longer hair reformed my sole called weapon. Shit I thought as I tried to run. They disappeared then reappeared in front of me I fell backwards my shirt getting caught on something exposing my breast.
"Why you run if us wanted you dead you would be."
"What do you want from me." I asked.
Both twins looked down at my semi exposed breast my chest rapidky heaving up and down. They watched as it rose and fell again with each frightened breath I took. They both begin to remove my clothes without even touching me. My fears subsided to curiosity. As they walked towards me they starred at each other their eyes doing that glowing thing again.

My heart begin to pound in my chest. I was now more turned on than afraid.  I gulped not knowing what exactly to do next. They circled around me as I stood with eyes wide as golf balls. As their fingers made contact with my body a tingling feeling ran down my spine.
They looked at each other surprised.
"She non melt." They both said.
"Is that a good thing?" I asked still a bit frightened.
"Yes." They both said as they pinned me in between them.
My body temperature rised as the energy flowed from them into me.
"What are you?" They asked as the one with the shorter hair penetrated my core.
"I-I don't know." I said holding on to his frame. His eyes started to flicker as he pushed himself deeper into my frame the energy then transferring from him to his brother both growling in pleasure. I wasn't sure what was happening as the energy went back into me. My eyes beginning to glow with the same light like theirs. What are they doing to me. The kinetic energy flowing through and around me made me scream to the heavens. I've never felt anything like this before.
"Tell us fille really what are you?"
They keep asking me this question as if I should know.
"I don't know." I answered again.
"You are ours now."
"I'll be whatever you want me to be." I said in a semi trance.
"Are you sure"  they asked as I reached my climax.
Unable to exchange words I just nodded in agreement.
"Good." They said as they led me back towards the sky from which they came.

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