Part Six: Prisoner

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"I don't see why we have to let him out," Braith complained as Arthur unlocked Unferth's cell. The Prince sighed, but his servant got there first.

"Because your father was just here, and it wouldn't get diplomatic relations any further to have your Steward locked in our dungeon," Merlin pointed out. He did agree with Braith, however. King Beowulf didn't seem at all surprised to find his daughter alive and well, and the Steward was a man with a malicious look about him. Unferth, coward that he was, bowed to Arthur so exaggeratedly his head nearly touched the floor.

"I am greatly indebted to you for granting me this freedom, Sire," he said. Arthur's eyebrows knitted in suspicion, and Braith put words to the thoughts in his mind.

"We aren't done with you yet," the young lady said with contempt. Guards marched the Dane man up the stairs, with the three youths following behind.

"Braith, not that I disagree with you, but why is it that you don't like him?" Arthur asked. She sighed.

"We've never exactly seen eye to eye, him and me. And then there were rumors..."

"What rumors?" Merlin asked intrigued.

"Supposedly he sided with Grendel in the time of the first attacks-"

"Really?" exclaimed the boys in unison. Braith nodded vigorously.

"Really. And besides, he disagrees with most of the things I do, even if there are plenty of respectable Shieldmaidens back home. 'Ladies shouldn't fight with men' or 'the princess shouldn't wear pants' or 'she should be married already, she's twenty' and other lort like that," the young Dane explained. Arthur made a face that suggested he agreed with all but the last of those arguments.

"Oh, my father will be looking for you later. About the wedding plans," Arthur said as they turned to part ways. She wiggled her dark eyebrows at the two young men.

"Never mind marriage. I've got bigger battles to fight."


The Lady of the Danes sat at a high table overlooking a sea of faces. She'd called a hearing to expose Unferth's treachery to the citizens around her. "This man has been conspiring against his own people," said Braith, her authoritative tone ringing throughout the throne room. The only readable expression on her face was contempt. Nobody came forward to second her remark. "During the attacks on hall Heorot by the creature Grendel, this man sided with the monster. He described the destroyer as beautiful, and spat at my father's feet. Unferth, Steward of Danes - do you deny these accusations?" Merlin, Arthur, and Gwen watched from the sidelines with bated breath.

"No, I do not," replied the defendant coolly. A small gasp came rose up from the assembled group.

"Right. Upon coming to Camelot you said the the people in my homeland believed I was dead - a great lie, as one could easily see by my father's recent appearance. Do you deny this?"


"Did you have the intention of killing me or anyone whom I associate with?"

"I cannot say, my lady," he toyed with the audience. This gained a bigger gasp. Neither a yes nor a no.

"Do you have anything else to say for yourself?" Braith began to conclude.

"Only that the Danes have made a great mistake, my lady," the greasy man drawled on, his face devoid of emotion. Their eyes seemed to wage a wordless war with one another, each attempting to intimidate the other into submission. It wasn't working for either party.

"And what mistake might that be?"

"Putting their faith in you and your father. No Scylding blood. You, who defy command. You, who act unpredictably. You, who will be no Queen of any kingdom," he said with a kind of calm and composed anger. Braith sat away from the table and her head tilted back with satisfaction. She'd got what she wanted, in this hearing. She wanted him angry. She wanted him careless.

"Take him away." The knights motioned to escort Unferth back to his cell, before he barked something to the smug heiress.

"Hun vil komme til ham, du ved," he called out. Braith's face changed, and no one but her knew what had been said.

"Nå, kann du fortælle hende, at jeg vil ikke lade det ske," she replied calmly, although it was obvious this comment had greatly unsettled her.

"Hun er ikke bøje din formål, barn. Drengen vil blive dræbt."

"Nej!" Braith stood in anger and possibly distress. "Lad dette sted, du dæmon. Forsvind. Forsvind!"

Unferth was smiling and even laughing as the knights dragged him away. Concerned whispers broke out among the crowd as the hearing was dismissed.

"What did that mean?" Gwen wondered aloud. Neither Arthur nor his servant knew.

"Braith! Braith!" Merlin yelled across the rising tide of people. The girl either didn't hear, or chose to ignore him. She rushed out of the hall, oblivious of anything but her destination.

"What could he have said?"


A/N: That bit was in Danish, so here's the translation.

Unferth: "She will come for him, you know."

Braith: "Well, you can tell her I won't let that happen."

Unferth: "She doesn't bend to your agenda, child. The boy will be killed"

Braith: "No! Leave this place, you demon! Get out! GET OUT!"

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