Chapter 20

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The dress above is Faye's

The dress above is Faye's

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And this is Livy's

Thomas drove us back to the hotel and we got ready for the party. I jumped in the shower and scrubbed my hair after a day of filming and then blow dried it whilst listening to P!ATD. I slipped into the dress and put on a tiny bit of make up, just enough to stop me looking like a zombie. I had just grabbed my bag ready to head out when Livy knocked on my door and came barging in. "Ready?" Her face shone with excitement and her entire body was fizzling with anticipation. It almost seemed like she was more excited than me. "Yeah, ready. I'll tell Thomas." I walked over to his room and knocked on the door. He opened it up and was wearing a white shirt with jeans, a contrast to our dresses. He drove us their on record time especially seeing as we had to give him directions. We pulled up the drive and their were cars and people everywhere, nothing like any party I'd been to before. Thomas dropped us off outside the door and told me to text him for a lift back. I nodded and he left us in front of what appeared to be a mansion. The marble pillars at the front framed a modern metal door, the entire building shrieked modern with its fancy lights and angular corners. Inside was even more ridiculous, strobe lighting was everywhere and the hallway had white tiles and a huge glass window led out to a pool, also in different colours.

"Hey, there's Danny." Livy pointed to a crowd of people and dragged me over. I assumed Danny was her Canadian friend, but with Livy I could never be sure. I laughed as she pushed through the crowd to tap him on the shoulder. Her lack of height was slightly compensated for by her shoes, but he was still a head taller than her.
"Livy, it's great to see you!" He have her an awkward hug. "Who's your friend?" He said pointing at me.
"Oh this is Faye," Livy replied. "Faye this is Danny my friend from Canada."
"It's nice to meet you Danny." I held my hand out for a hand shake and all he did was burst into laughter.
"British by any chance?" He asked Livy.
"Yeah, she came over for filming." Livy's expression perfectly matched Danny's as they both burst into fits of laughter.
"What's so funny? I was saying hello." Clueless, I waited for them to catch their breath.
"You just came across as so British, sorry. It's nice to meet you too." He put on a British accent and held out his own hand. I burst into my own fits of laughter at his horrendously awful attempt at a British accent and just walked off to see where Livy had slipped off to.

I wandered round looking for Livy and met a few people, no one seemed to recognise me, but everyone noticed my accent. It was starting to get dark as I walked towards the pool in the hope of finally finding Livy in this crazy house. It was quieter down here, in fact there wasn't really anyone. I sat on a bench and just enjoyed the fresh air and the distinct increase in personal space. The bench creaked as someone sat down next to me. "Hi, I haven't met you before," His voice was low, but reassuring. "which is strange seeing as I know everyone from round here." I turned to see a boy with a mop of brown hair and brown eyes. Nothing particularly stood out for description, but something in those eyes showed mischief and fun yet a sad past at the same time. His clothes were smart, but not overly smart, I felt overdressed even though he was wearing a suit next to me. "That'll be because I'm not from round here." He looked at me properly, with the same scrutiny I gave him. "British, interesting. What's brought you here then?"
Just having someone not laugh at me or do a fake British accent was a relief, enough to make me relax into talking to this stranger. "I'm filming, I'm a friend of Livy's." He squinted his eyes and studied me even more, "Are you that girl who was spotted with Dylan and Thomas around here?"
"Yeah, that was me." I looked to the ground and the leaf that was caught on my heel. I twiddled it with my foot as we sat there in silence.
"You're pretty famous now, you know that?"
"Doesn't feel like it, no one here's recognised me except you."
"My friends can't stop talking about you, the girls are jealous and the boys have a new celebrity to fancy."
"Celebrity? All from a single photo?"
He looked at me in surprise, "there's more than one photo, people have been taking photos of you everywhere." He got his phone out and searched my name. Instantly photos of me from everywhere I've been recently came up, including the one from earlier.
"I don't understand.... I haven't seen people taking photos of me, people haven't come up to me ..."
"That's because Thomas and Dylan have both asked everyone to leave you alone while you adjust to the move. Do you not pay attention at all?" I shove him playfully and a smile creeps onto my face. "There we go, that's the smile we want to see." He said as his own face lit up with a reflected smile.
"So now you know my name, can I know yours?"
"Charlie, it's a pleasure to meet you Faye." He held out his hand for a handshake, I shook it and burst out laughing. "What? Is it that bad an impression?" His eyes glinted with mischief as he grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the party.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated, I've been having a tough time recently especially as my grandad passed a few weeks ago. Anyway I hope you still enjoy reading and I hope to update a little bit sooner than last time 😂.

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