freak of nature

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       The gif to the side is of Jewel.... She is flawless.... and adorable...


         I was stalking the tags of Teen Wolf and Janoskians on Tumblr when there was a short knock on my door following with the familiar voice of my Nonna, “Jewel, why don’t you go greet the neighbors?”

     I had just moved to Victoria, Melbourne, Australia a few days ago and my Nonna constantly pestered me to be social and find a few friends. At least one, she always repeated over and over. I hunched deeper in my burrito of snuggly blankets and knew if I ignored her long enough she would go back downstairs and leave me in peace. I hearted a fan made photo of #Stydia when surprisingly my Nonna knocked again but with more urgency, “Jewel, I know you’re in there. You don’t go anywhere. Ever!”

        She was absolutely right! I don’t like going anywhere; I like sitting in my room with the lights off and my laptop on. My glass of milk and cookies on the night stand in case I got the munchies and I was in heaven! I rolled over as best as I could in my cocoon of blankets and grumbled to her in response, “But Nonnaaaa! Can’t I wait until school starts to be a bit more social? At least then I will be forced to speak to others and right now I just want to be left alone. Where I can be weird in peace…”

        The last sentence I mumbled lowly so my Nonna couldn’t hear it but somehow she did. It seems like she pretends to be deaf when you’re saying something not important to her but she had the ears of an eagle when you were saying something out of line in her book. Her tone thickened with seriousness, “I’ve told you many times, Jewel. You are not weird. You were just born that way.”

        I’m sure you’re wondering what she means and it caused me to lift my hands up to finger the pointy furry feline ears above my head, they resemble a foxes. No I’m not wearing a fake pair of kitten ears; they are literally connected to my scalp and skull. My parents when they were alive, considered plastic surgery to have them removed but then I would lose all hearing. I do not have a second pair of human ears; my long ebony black hair hides the fact that I don’t. That’s not the end of it either, at midnight on the full moon I truly transform into a real fox. There’s no avoiding it and I’m afraid if anyone finds out what I truly am then they would run and hide. I’m not normal, I’m Class A weird, a side show attraction, a freak… Nonna rattled the handle of the door of my bedroom demanding, “Unlock the door, Jewel.” 

        I slammed my laptop closed and did my best to unravel myself from my blankets before throwing my legs over the side of my bed, slipping my feet into my pink bunny slippers. I padded to my door and unlocked it, swinging the door open to face my Nonna. It was about 10 in the morning and I was still dressed in my Dirty Pig jumper that I wear to bed every night I bought over the Janoskians website, but my Nonna was dressed in denim shorts and a white blouse. My Nonna is not that old for a grandmother, she is actually only 48 and not bad looking at all. Not many wrinkles were prominent but I think that was thanks to the millions she forked over for face cream made from diamonds. Stupid I know but all the woman are trying it was her excuse. 

        Nonna cupped my chin immediately and smiled warmly at me, “There’s that beautiful face.”

        I couldn’t help but smile back at her and murmured, “Yeah.”

        “Why so down, my dear? Look your ears are drooping,” she teased me, her squinty brown eyes searching mine and it was a trait in our family since we are Asian, descendants of Koreans. I humorously glanced up at my ears to see they were actually drooping like wilted flowers; they always did that when I was sad but I shrugged unsure why, “I don’t know.”

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