oh snap

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                - The gif to the side is Kate... Sarcastic, Witty, and Dorky Kate haha -


        “Truth or Dare?” Wyatt crowed to Kate and Kate chewed on a tortilla chip smeared with cream cheese before replying, “Truth.”

                In case you’re wondering I actually have a social life away from my Tumblr and laptop now. Over the past week I’ve made a quick strong friend relationship with Kate and her gay best friend, Wyatt. They were a blast to be around so my Nonna who was thrilled that I made any friends at all told me that this Sunday I may invite them over for a sleepover. Hence the ensuing game of Truth or Dare at midnight, we were fueled on lots of energy drinks and Diet Coke so we planned on this being an all-nighter. Wyatt bit his lip pondering his question, “Errrrm, in our whole high school who would you fuck? I would totally ravish Luke of his innocence.”

                I snorted at Wyatt’s openness with his homosexual point of view and like I said before gay men are a new experience for me. Kate rolled her eyes and yelled, “Duh! I would fuck Michael! Plus, Luke is definitely not innocent. I’ve been keeping record of all the girls that Ashton and his crew have stolen virginities from and Luke is winning. BY TEN!”

                I clamped my hand over Kate’s mouth, holding back my bouts of laughter at her confession, “Shh Kate. My Nonna is sleeping.”

                Kate nodded against my grip around her large noisy mouth and Wyatt crossed his arms grumbling angrily, “Yeah, yeah. A gay man can have his fantasies anyway you know, Kate.”

                I removed my hand from Kate’s mouth and she stuck her tongue out at Wyatt. Kate chirped finally, “My turn. Truth or Dare, Jewel?”

                Kate fished another tortilla chip out of the bowl in the middle of our lopsided triangle and I was caught off guard because I’ve never played this game before, “Uh uh uh dare!”

                I realized my mistake because the number one rule is that if you’re not ready to do some crazy shit then don’t pick dare! I cursed in denial facepalming, “Shit!”

                Kate giggled with delight and crunched on her chip, chewing quickly while deciding my demising doom of a dare. Wyatt snapped his fingers and leaned over our snacks to whisper in Kate’s ear and Kate’s lips lit up with a devilish smirk. Oh God help me what are they planning… Wyatt pulled back from Kate’s ear and I crossed my fingers that the dare didn’t involve anything that would make me have to take off my bandana because they haven’t seen my fox ears yet and I hope they never will. The awkward silence was killing me and I cried out, “What’s the dare?!”

                “Well it’s sort of like a little game me and Wyatt started just to mess around with Ashton and his crew,” Kate began to explain and I bit my lip in anticipation wishing she would just blurt it out already. Wyatt continued for her, “We have all 4 of their Snapchat names so were going to write them down on paper and mix them up in a hat. The one you choose, you have to have a whole Snapchat conversation with him and at least send a few provocative pictures.”

                I knew this wasn’t going to end well and I’ve never even ever used Snapchat, let alone use it to send dirty pictures to boys. I knew Ashton and his crew are guys who relished using girls and partying but I didn’t want to be a part of that. At least I don’t think I want to be, I’m a virgin but the thought of Ashton taking my virginity may be way too good to pass up. Jesus, I sound like a stereotype hormonal teenager. Blast this game of truth or dare! I whined like a four year old, “Do I have toooo?”

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