drunk virgin

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                - gif to the side of Ashton and Kate; hot, hot, hot hihi -


   The rowdy sounds of the party goers screaming and having a good time, the booms of “I. Crawl” by Childish Gambino radiated down the street. I blew out a deep breath, my little black dress feeling tight on my body. I was nervous to see Ashton; my worst fear was that he would embarrass me in front of everyone when he found out it was me Snapchatting him. I was already an outcast and I didn’t need more things to distance others from me. I flattened the fedora on my head and walked down the sidewalk, my skills in walking in heels had improved from the technique on the stairs that Kate and Wyatt made me try. My legs were weary but I was pumped to party, maybe try alcohol for the first time. Who knows what will happen tonight, I have to escape from my shell and loosen up. I strode farther down the sidewalk where teenagers were already arriving in glamorous clothes and the girls were clinging to their boyfriends. I received a few stares from them but I just brushed it off and smiled at them like I belonged here. Once I passed the gate of Ashton’s house I was faced by a few of the popular kids I recognize from school. They were hanging in Ashton’s yard and talking; they were holding red plastic cups of beer and talking avidly. Ashton’s house was lit up with light, the music streaming out of the open windows and his front door was wide open, the view of masses of girls and lesser amount of boys dancing and drinking was to be seen through the doorway.

      My heels felt like they were nailed to the ground and I couldn’t move, why do I get paralyzed with shyness at the worst moments?! Thankfully some guy off the football team rounded the corner of Ashton’s gate too quickly and bumped into me, sending me lurching and staggering towards Ashton’s house. He shot me a dirty look grumbling, “Nerd.”

      He stormed inside and I hesitantly followed him, the second I passed the threshold the song changed from I. Crawl to Cool Kids by Echosmith. For some reason the song seemed perfect because I didn’t exactly belong among the popular kids. I squirmed my way through the sweaty accumulation of classmates dancing and partying to the music. There was no way in hell I would be able to find Ashton in this mess let alone find the kitchen. Though I figured if I just acted rude for once and bulldozed my way through them I might actually get where I want to go. After a minute or two, I fought my way through the living room of teenagers and emerged inside a huge kitchen, chests full of ice, beer, Vodka, and wine coolers were littering the floor and guys were chugging alcohol while mucking about with each other. It was awkward since I was the only girl in here but I boldly reached for a wine cooler and twisted off the lid. It came off with a pop and that’s when I spotted Luke propped on top of one of the marble counters drinking a beer. I never spoke to any of Ashton’s crew except Calum but if I wanted to find Ashton then I would have to talk to Luke. I slurped some of the wine cooler and it had a sour yet sweet grape taste to it and it burned like acid in soda when it passed the back of my throat. I approached Luke and he lifted up his bottle of beer, the glass of the lip of the bottle clanking with his metal lip ring. He swallowed a draft of beer and watched me closely, his eyebrows rising questionably. I meager my most charming smile, “Hello. I was – “

                He cut me off while lowering his bottle of beer, “Your Jewel right?”

       It amazed me how all of Ashton’s crew knew my name and I blushed stammering, “Y-Yes well have you seen Ashton? He invited me here and-“

    “Yeah he told me to look out for a chick in a black fedora because he was Snapchatting her last night and wanted to meet her. I’m guessing you are her,” Luke chuckled and poked the fedora on my head. His breath tainted with the fumes of alcohol fanned my face and I sipped from my wine cooler nervously before repeating,“Yes. Is he here?”

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