hot jerks

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        Gif to the side of Calum taunting Ashton... My two smexy trolls ;)


       Why do Australians find Vegemite so damn tasty that they have to put it on everything?! I fucking hate the taste of it; I loathe it with a passion. It’s like shit on toast I swear. I was staring at the lunch menu at the front of the cafeteria, “Vegemite cinnamon rolls, Chili stewed in Vegemite sauce, Broccoli with Vegemite.”

        Hopefully there were some more choices inside the cafeteria other than the ones written in chalk on the chalk board. In case you’re wondering this is my first day of school and I still haven’t made any friends. Not one. They just whisper amongst themselves about how I look and I guess I’m the school’s outcast. Just great…. I’m not social but I wasn’t guessing I would be the pariah of the school. It’s nice to have at least one person to bitch about how boring school is with. I hefted my pack higher on my shoulder and barged my way through a few students into the cafeteria. Most people were already seated with their clicks of friends, eating and laughing like a pack of hyenas. Thankfully there were two lunch lines, one on each side of the cafeteria. One marked, “Vegetarian” and the other line labeled, “Normal Lunch.” I would try my luck with the Vegetarian line and a few minutes later I was carrying a plate of carrot sticks, a club sandwhich, and a carton of low-fat milk to an empty table by one of the windows of the cafeteria. The least I could have for company was my own reflection in the window.

        I chewed a carrot stick while swinging my feet under the lunch table and I surveyed the hundreds of students enjoying their lunches with their friends. My first two classes today were Chemistry and Calculus; I’m a whiz at Chemistry but a dead flop at Calculus. I’d rather poke my eyes out with pins then ever achieve a job that requires me to use Calculus every day. Though I was sort of hoping to see Ashton, he seems young enough to still be in high school but I haven’t seen him at all. Maybe he skipped class today. For some odd reason it makes me giddy with excitement if he is a bad boy. I blushed to myself and hunched deeper in my denim jacket, stabbing at my club sandwhich with one of my carrot sticks. I had a large breakfast of donuts and milk so my appetite wasn’t very large right now. That’s when I heard the doors of the cafeteria swing open, I thought everyone had already filtered into the cafeteria but I guess not. I glanced up to see Ashton and three other attractive boys burst into the lunch room wearing tight fitting emerald green jerseys. They must be on the football team and had to skip class for practice. {For all of you Americans, when I say football I mean American soccer. The game where you kick the ball around. Plain and simple.} They were laughing loudly amongst each other, clearly not worried if they disturbed anyone else. The one with a black lip ring and blonde hair roared, “Ashton kicked ass on the field today!”

        Ashton stuck his tongue out at the blonde one and the four boys made their way through the cafeteria to a table in the middle. A bunch of popular girls sat there, one I knew that was named Minnie kissed Ashton hungrily and allowed him to take her seat so she could plop in his lap and fondle him. For some odd reason jealousy flared through me and my fist clenched around my carrot stick, he has a girlfriend…. Well that just ruins my hopes and dreams. It seemed like all the girls at that table were all over Ashton and his friends and I wasn’t sure who was dating who but most likely they were all taken. I averted my eyes from them completely because I’d rather once again poke my eyes out with pins then watch them play around with those fake Barbie’s called girls.

      “Hi!” a voice piped from beside me and I looked up to see a girl with a shoulder length brown hair that bounced like springs and her skin was creamy white. She had polluted gren eyes and a bright smile, she was petite and short. I probably would tower over her if I was standing up right now. I mumbled back in a greeting, “Uhm hey.”

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