little black dress

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                   - picture to the side is of Jewel in her Spring Fever party attire ;) -


        The school day went sluggishly slow, it felt like every minute was an agonizing hour of pop quizzes and boring lectures. During third period we had to sit through Dr. Gentry’s story about his dog’s depression and how lonely he was since his wife left him. I don’t know whether he was trying to teach us to not end up like him or either to make us feel sorry for him and finish our art projects in peace. The whole day all Kate and Wyatt wanted to speak about was Ashton’s Spring Fever party and what I should do and wear. I was fed up with it all and I just wanted to take back the whole Snapchat conversation I had with Ashton. In the end of last night I ended up Snapchatting him back to his question about coming to the party, ‘I’ll be there ;) I’ll be the one in the black fedora.’ Of course I always have to wear a hat or a bandana to hide my fox ears so that’s the only item of clothing I could think to tell him to look for. I was dreading having him find out it was me he was Snapchatting and I bet he would laugh in my face before telling me to leave the party.

                It was seven o’ clock now, The Originals was on but right at the end of the beginning credits there was a tirade of knocking on my front door. I groaned, not wanting to leave the couch to answer the door but my Nonna hollered from upstairs, “Jewel answer the door! I’m taking a bath then heading off to bed. Don’t stay up too late.”

                I threw back my head on the couch in annoyance and resentfully clicked off the telly with the remote. I trudged to the front door, veering it open to see Wyatt and Kate, their hands full of plastic bags. Kate squealed, “Time for your makeover! No ‘but’s, ‘why’s, or ‘don’t’s! We have to make you look perfect for your night at Ashton’s party.”

                She was true to her words because before I could even utter a word they charged inside and dragged me up the stairs to my bedroom. We passed my Nonna’s room which the door was open so we could see my Nonna taking off her gold earrings and laying out her nighttime clothes for after she finished in the bathtub. She peered at us curiously, “Hi Kate and Wyatt.”

                “Hey, Mrs. Sohma. We’re getting Jewel ready for the party so bye,” Kate blurted quickly before forcing me through the door of my bedroom and tossing me on my bed. Wyatt closed the door and they dropped their bags full of mystery items on the floor. I was sort of afraid for my life for a moment because Kate and Wyatt were making it seem like they were going to give me plastic surgery to make me beautiful or something. I raised an eyebrow and questioned, “So this makeover won’t be painful right?”

                Kate giggled wagging a hand at me like I told a joke and declared, “Of course it won’t be painful, silly. First we need to do something about your hair; you always wear those ugly bandanas.”

                Before I could do anything she lunged out at me and whipped the bandana and bobby pins off my head, my fox ears shot up and my dirty little secret was revealed. My first reaction was to flee under the bed and hide but I just froze watching Kate and Wyatt’s reactions. Kate was speechless, her lip gloss covered lips wide open in surprise but Wyatt’s eyes were the size of eggs and he stammered, “H-H-Holy Vegemite! She has kitten ears!”

                Kate blinked her polluted green eyes in disbelief and her voice came out in a whisper, “They aren’t kitten ears, they are foxes. You can tell by the shape and color but is this a joke? Are they fake?”

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