새로운 마스크

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         “Wake up call! All the whores exit the house before Ashton’s parents get home!” Michael’s voice echoed through my subconscious and I rolled over in the velvet red sheets of Ashton’s bed. Surprisingly Ashton’s warmth was gone, it felt cold and lonely in his absence and I blinked open my eyes to see he was missing. Plus, what did Michael mean by all the whores exit the house? Well I’m guessing he meant all the girls who slept with Ashton and his crew last night. Including me? Wait! I flipped off the covers, patting my body to see that my dress was still on my body. Oh right, I didn’t give into Ashton and fuck him even though I so desperately want to and could have. I’m a fucking idiot. Damn it, it sucks being a virgin. I flopped back down on the bed and groaned because my head was pounding like hell. Stupid hangover, my stomach was in the middle of queasiness and gnawing hunger. I stumbled out of the bed, my little black dress feeling itchy and uncomfortable. I noticed an oversized green football jersey on Ashton’s night stand and stripped off my dress, throwing on the jersey hoping that Ashton wouldn’t mind. The jersey went down to about mid-thigh and I exited Ashton’s room padding down the flight of stairs to the second floor. The brunette I saw stripping for Michael while he was wanking yesterday was walking down the corridor. She was really beautiful but her mascara was streaked across her cheeks and she was wearing sweats and a white camisole. She had a cigarette lit in her hand, puffing a drag before she noticed me and she questioned inquisitively, “Hey bae, your Jewel right?”

    If she was at the party she was clearly one of the popular girls from school so how the fuck do all of a sudden all the popular kids know my name?! They all say it the same way too, ‘Your Jewel right?’ I don’t know why but it was starting to piss me off. I trailed my fingers through my raven black hair, “Yeah I am. Sorry for running in on you and Michael last night.”

  Her greenish-blue eyes seemed to light up in humor and she laughed boisterously, “No problem, chicka. We all make mistakes on this rollercoaster of life. I’m Shannon but you can call me Shan, I guess you could say I’m Michael’s friend with benefits.”

   She actually didn’t act like a bitch like all of the other popular girls and I found it funny that Michael actually had any friends other than Ashton, Calum, and Luke. I knew Kate would flip out when I told her that someone else was fucking Michael. I smiled at Shannon, “Nice to meet you.”

   She bowed her head at me in a Korean greeting, not in a rude or teasing way but I could tell in respect for my heritage. I smirked at the friendly gesture and she told me, “Same to you.”

      She twisted around and continued down the hall to the stairs leading to the living room. I followed after her, I was curious to know where Ashton had left off to so early this morning. I rubbed my eyes and stomped down the last few stairs into the trashed living room; Michael and Luke were rushing around with overflowing trash bags to retrieve all of the discarded red plastic cups, streamers, and abandoned bottles from the party last night. A red head with gray eyes holding a paper bag full of something was heading for the front door to leave and I knew she was one of the girls that must have slept with Luke or Calum last night. Shannon walked over to Michael and pecked him on the cheek, “Bubbah!”

   Michael grimaced and gave her a playful shove, “Don’t be so loud Shan. I’ve got a splitting headache.”

     Shannon laughed at his hangover symptom, hopping onto his back and wrapping her arms around his neck.  Michael couldn’t help but give her an amusing smile and it was sweet to see a new side of Michael. Luke rolled his eyes at them, “Get a room already you two.”

    “We did! Three times last night,” Shannon barked at him and Luke stuck his finger down his throat in mock disgust and I couldn’t help but giggle at them. Then I noticed that Michael also had a ring on his right pointer finger just like like Calum and Ashton's, except Michael's ring was gold with a ruby in the middle. That’s when I smelled the overcoming aroma of food; yes I’m going to plainly just classify the smell as food because I love any kind of food period. I trekked into the kitchen to see Calum separating a bunch of cooked potatoes, bacon, and cheesy eggs into three paper bags and onto three plates. That must have been what was in the bag the red head was holding and I examined Calum in his plaid boxers and black Slipknot tank top that showed off his muscles and tattoos nicely. His black hair with the blonde highlights was shoved in a gray beanie and his tiger eye ring was of course snug on his ring finger. I admit he looked sexy but I was still mad at Calum for his dick behavior last night so I was prepared to be as annoying as possible. I crossed my arms and piped, “So who’s the food for?”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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