Imprints: A Paul Lahote Story

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Author's Note:
This is a Twilight Fanfiction, if you've not read the stories or at least seen the movies I highly highly suggest you read or watch the originals first.

Once again this is a fanfic so things will be altered for the books storyline, one of the biggest changes is that Jacob has an imprint who is NOT Renesmee.

That being said I do hope you enjoy the story, I had a lot of fun writing about one of my favorite characters; Paul.


My Name is Lacey Ateara.

Recently my Father Quinn has decided to mend the bond with his own father, and this lead to him asking for a transfer back to his old home town of La Push Washington.

Unfortunately, seeing as I am only 17, I don't exactly have much of a say in the matter. Then again I know it's not like I'll be leaving behind a ton of friends or a string of broken hearts.

Far from it actually.

It's just my dad and I.

And to be honest I've never really minded, you see my mom passed away giving birth to me, so it's always only been just the both us.

We've sorta been a team of with all these sudden life altering decisions, I can exactly say I'm too thrilled.

To make matters worse I've never met any of the family Dad is suddenly pushing us into...or back into I guess?

"You won't be an outcast." He chuckled as he handed me a box of takeout and took his seat at our small kitchen table. "You'll just be new."

"Uh, new and know no one and the school years already started so I'm going to stick out even more...again, I'll be an outcast."

He only smiled and shook his head, "you're being dramatic your cousin will be in the same school as you, I'm sure he and his friends would hang out with you."

I shrugged, "guess we'll see."

We ranked the topic and ate dinner before I knew I needed to get started on packing.

As I sat there eating my chow mien I couldn't help but wonder about Dad's family, Who are they? Why didn't we ever visit them? But the biggest question is why did he leave...What happened all those years ago to make him leave, and not just leave, but isolate us away from his side of the family.

To this day all I know is that my Dad has a Twin brother named Quil lV (the fourth) and he and his wife have a son named, you guessed it. Quil V (the fifth).

And as I finished up dinner I couldn't help but wonder about these unknown family members or this place called La Push.


"Hey Dad, did you remember to call the moving company so that we can have our stuff moved in before we get there?" I asked as I had taped the last of my boxes closed.

He simply nodded his head as he silently continued to read his newspaper from his recliner chair.

Don't get me wrong, I love my dad to pieces and don't know what I'd do without him, but he tends to be very forgetful at times.

"Need a hand with that?" He asked now getting up from his chair.

"Yeah, thanks...just a few more hours now." I said with faux enthusiasm.

"I know it isn't ideal kid...and it's my fault, I shoulda brought you around my family more." He said sadly. "Your mom was an only kid and her parents passed before you were born, and I kept you away from the only family you had."

" had your reasons." I said to try and comfort him, I knew he wouldn't tell me why, there was no point in asking why he left his home when he was so young and never went back. It would only upset him and I could see he was already blaming himself enough.

"Sorry kiddo."

I shrugged, "it's an adventure if I hate it, I'm only there until I graduate." I pointed out smartly with a smirk.

He smiled, "you'd just love to bail on me kiddo."

He collected our luggage and I took one last walk through my old house to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything.

I was also taking a moment to say a silent goodbye to the house, I've lived in this house with my father since I was a baby.

It was the place he and my mom bought when they got married.

It was a small two bedroom house as my parents were pretty young when they got together, neither of them had much but this house was everything to them.

I looked at the dusty old walls, the years had faded the paint...only the areas where the pictures had hung for years remained fresh.

My father loved my mom immensely and even after her death he continued to keep her pictures up. Over the years he's told me so much about her and then and how much he loved her... I feel as if I knew her myself.

Even still, I often found myself wondering what her laugh sounded like, how her hugs would've felt.

But then I remember all of the blessings life has given me and I stop feeling sad. Not many people can say they have a guardian Angel!

"Tell me about La Push." I said after we'd boarded the plane.

He smiled and spoke softly. "La Push is a fine place to grow up, it's steeped in history, I miss that the most." He said with a sigh, "But the short of it, It's an old Native Reservation and  not surprisingly pretty close knit and very family oriented." He said, not easing my fear of moving there at all.

"No worries," he continued. "The Ateara's have a very long family line that is from La Push, so we should be welcomed with open'll have your cousin Quil and then some second cousins and trust me you'll make friends quick."

This time his words did calm my nerves just a bit.

I looked out the window and took in a deep breath before releasing it and calmly accepted, I'm moving to Washington.

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