Fabled Legends

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As I walked the treaty line I heard an earsplitting scream that quickly blended into a painful howl.

The haunting sounds made me anxious and set me on edge.

I was frozen in place as a few of the Cullen's ran up to the treaty line. "Is everything alright?" the Doctor asked.

I looked up at the bloodsucker who was dating Bella swan, I knew he could read minds so I spoke to him.

{{ Paul: I'm not sure. I've never heard a sound like that before. }}

He relayed my words to them.

"Please keep us updated." The Doctor spoke again.

This time I just nodded and began to walk away. A minute later Leah's voice popped into my head.

{{ Leah: Everyone please meet me in the woods by Old Ateara's. }}

{{ Sam: I give the orders Leah! }}

{{ Leah: Please Sammy, it's urgent. }}

We all heard the words exchanged. We knew whatever Leah wanted must have been something big because she had just used her old nickname for Sam from back when they were dating.

I immediately change my course and began running to Old Ateara's. I got there then Jacob arrived. We all watched as Leah ran through the bushes. We all bombarded her with questions

{{ Leah: it's Lacey, she shifted. }}

Her words echoed in my head and I threw my head back and let out a sad howl as the rest of the guys whined.

As much as we loved who and what we are, we never wanted someone else to have to be like us if they absolutely didn't have to.

{{ Paul: where is she? }}

As soon as the words came together, out walked another wolf from the bushes.
She was the smallest by far but only slightly so.

Everything about her was feminine. But what shocked us the most was her fur.

My Angels fur was a very pale blonde, and as the sun was setting behind us. Her fur was lit up in its glow causing it to look shiny like gold.

Never in all of the legends I've heard, Have they ever mentioned a golden wolf before.


{Old Ateara}

I could feel the uneasiness in my bones.

Then the air around me vibrated, I knew deep inside that somewhere another wolf had phased, and because the feelings were so strong, I knew it was my Meda.

My old heart fell...Poor Lacey is now bound to this life of shifting unless she can control her emotions, then one day she may stop shifting. But being of this bloodline plus the fact that Paul is her imprint, her children's futures are sealed.

I sent a silent prayer up to the ancestors that protect us, I prayed that Lacey was smarter than her father and would not try an run away from who she truly is.

We can not run away from our problems in life, because sooner or later they catch up to us and then the problem is worse than before.

I was just fixing to lay down and succumb to my thoughts when I heard the pack on my doorsteps.

"Grandfather it's Lacey!" Quil cried out in a panick.

"I know son, I felt her shift, just as I felt the first time you shifted."

Paul stepped forward, I didn't quite know what to make of this kid. He is known to be very temperamental and seemed to always be on edge, but I know even more that one should never try to come between imprints.

"Sir she's special" he said as if trying to plead with me.

"What do you mean?" I questioned them. As soon as my words left my mouth, from behind the crowd a very elegant golden colored wolf walk toward me. I nearly fainted on the spot.My breathing hitched and I fell forward and to my knees. "AURUM LUPUS." I said in shock.

"Sir your speaking jibberish" Sam Uley said confidently albeit confused.

I shook my head, "no no, it's, it's a legend I heard once while up on the Makah reservation... The name, Aurum Lupus is Latin if I'm not mistaken and from what I remember the man telling me, literally translates to Gold Wolf." I recited as I struggled to remember the very old legend I had heard only once, so long ago.

"Please tell us, is this a bad thing?" Paul asked worried.

"Yes and No." I admitted.

They looked at me like I had sprouted another head, I hadn't meant to be cryptic but I severely meant both yes an no.

"You see legend has it that the gold wolf has the ability to persuade others to do its will... I'm sure you can see the harm in that?"

They all shook their heads no and I cussed under my breath. I sighed "imagine if the humans found out about this. They could use her as a weapon against other countries. Or worse, what if those evil Cold-Ones find out about her... They could kill off all of human kind if they wanted, enslave them as blood donors, the possibilities are endless."

They all stood there seemingly absorbing the severity of this situation.

"Lacey" I said getting the beautiful little wolfs attention. "Meda go into the guest room and phase back, it's very dangerous to be seen in your wolf form."

Her fuzzy head nodded and Leah went with her to help her phase back.

"Now there are good factors about this gold wolf. We could 'persuade' the Cullen's to leave, Get any rivals to back off, no one could step on our land if we didn't want them to." I informed them.

"But that would potentially put my imprint in danger." Paul growled lowly.

"It's something your 1st in command would have to discuss with his second in command." I said knowing how evil it would sound.

I did not wish to put my granddaughter in danger but if Sam saw that it was for the greater good of the tribe he would use her.

This was my way of attempting to get young Jacob to take back his rightful spot as 1st in command. It's either that or watch as his cousin becomes a tool in the destruction of his friend Bella's life with the Cullens.

Imprints: A Paul Lahote StoryWhere stories live. Discover now