My Angel

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Throughout the story whenever you see a conversation in brackets:
(i.e. {{ Smurfyphantom06: My readers are awesome! }} )
It is the conversation between the wolves via their mind link/talking in their wolf form.


I finally made it back home.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mom and my little sisters, hell even my step-dad's alright. But I always miss the pack when I'm away.

I also feel like an extreme dick for missing The Ateara homecoming much as Quil went on about it, I was actually looking forward to meeting the guy who ran away from the Rez and his mysterious daughter.

I pulled up to my drive way and killed my engine, I got out of my car and looked at it. I ran a hand over my baby lovingly, she needed a car wash.

My Dad was a decent parent but he's always busy with work, so to make up for it he throws money at me, but for my 15th birthday Dad got me this car, my dream car!

A Black 1970 Chevelle 454 SS with pristine White racing stripes. Unfortunately, being a wolf means I don't get to drive much anymore. Usually I just use it to go to school and back, and when I make the road trip to see mom.

I've had it for a couple of years now and it's still practically new (well new for a vintage car), but I loved the car too much to just get rid of it, and looking at her right now, I couldn't help but smile. But as dirty as my car got from the drive back from Mom's, it would have to wait until tomorrow. I went inside the house and got changed, I had to head out to the beach, apparently tonight was going to be a bonfire on the beach kinda night.

When I arrived I wasn't surprised to see most of the pack there.

Emily asked about my mom and sisters, I told her they were fine and then showed her some pictures I had taken on my cell. When Jared, Kim, and Embry came Sam filled me in on the Seattle disappearances, they seemed to be increasing.

"Hey what time is it?" Jake asked.

I pulled out my cell and told him the time.
"Cool, thanks. Bella's coming and I don't want to be late." He said happily.

Mckayla rolled her eyes but otherwise said nothing, poor girl. Emily too had noticed McKayla's discomfort so she and Kim escorted her away to see if the women needed help with the food or anything. I held my tongue on the matter and instead changed the subject.

"So Quil how's the cousin?" I asked just as Seth got there with his mom and ran over to us.

He smiled. "Great! She's really nice, and everyone seems to love her. ..She's down to earth and as weird as it was in the beginning, she and Leah are practically best friends now."

I nodded along with his words, they were so text book.

"Hey, i'm her friend too." Seth whined playfully.

"Yeah, yeah, the kid's her friend too." Quil teased, Seth crossed his arms over his chest defiantly and they began to bicker until Jake jumped in and got them to settle down. Unfortunately, neither of them told me what I really wanted to know.

Lucky for me Embry spoke up. "You forgot that she's jaw droppingly Hot." He said, "I wish I could have imprinted on her. I would so make all of you jealous of me for having the hottest imprint."

Sam and Jacob shook their heads and Quil let out a small protective growl. "Don't talk about my cousin like that!"

"Hey man it was a compliment really." Embry said holding his hands up in a gesture of surrender. "I mean, honestly I sort of thought she'd look...well like you I guess."

Imprints: A Paul Lahote StoryWhere stories live. Discover now