Rightfully Mine

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'I will fucking kill them.' I though to myself.

After I saw the blood I phased back, knowing fully well that if I was in my wolf form Sam would know my next move.

I ran in my naked human form all the way to Jacob's house, I hardly gave a shit what anyone thought right now, I had more important things to think about instead of my bare ass.

He and Mckayla were in his garage as he was working on Mckayla's car "Jesus Paul!" Mckayla shouted upon seeing me.

Jake shot up and I let myself into his house, knowing fully well he'd follow. I found a pair of his jeans and slipped them on angrily. "It's Sam, he took her!" I said flatly before growing angrily frustrated, "Sam ordered Emily and Jared to take Lacey!"

"What?!" Jacob growled.

As much as I wanted to shift and find them, so I could kill them I knew I had to be bigger than that right now, I have to keep my cool for the safety of my angel.

"We have to remain calm and above all if we're to get Lacey back none of us can shift." I announced. "Call Leah and ask her to tell Brady, Colin and Seth. I'll call Quil and Embry and I want us all to meet at Old Ateara's, and remember if Sam gets wind of this, we're screwed so no shifting at all." I stressed.

Jake and Mckayla agreed and then we all made our calls and began running to Old Ateara's house.

Lacey's grandfather answered the door and let us in. Soon enough everyone was there minus Sam, Emily, & Jared.
I filled everyone in on how I knew Lacey was abducted by Emily and Jared acting on Sam's orders.

"Why would they do this?!" Leah asked furious.

Then it was old Ateara's turn to speak, he told everyone what he had told Lacey and I earlier.

"But I can't be Leader of the pack, I handed the position over to Sam last year." Jacob said sounding torn as he sat and held Mckayla to him.

"But you can young Jacob, It's your blood right, you're a direct descendant of our last Cheif and Pack's first in command... Challenge him and he will have no choice but to submit, but let this go and you can say good bye to your Cullen friends as well as all of your free will." Old Ateara said fiercely.

"I will do it then, we will find my cousin before Sam uses her against the Cullen's." Jacob announced then turned to the rest of us. "If you're here, then you're with us. If not then you fight against us."

"...And I can assure you, we will win, because I will stop at nothing to save my imprint and keep her safe." I added viciously.

Everyone agreed.

"I think we should tell the Cullen's." Mckayla chimed in, we all nodded. It took a big person to side with their enemy for a greater cause and Mckayla is proof that it can happen.

As much as I dislike vampires I know that what Sam is doing is wrong so I would fight alongside them if I had to, if it meant stopping Sam and saving My Angel.

Jake called Bella and the Cullen's agreed to let our group across the treaty line. Shortly we all found ourselves inside of the Cullen house.

It was clean and well kept, but reeked of Vamps.

I told them all of what was happening, from my imprint shifting to the legend surrounding her and now Sam taking her and planning on using her as a weapon.

"If it's a fight he wants we'll give it to him." The vamp that looked like he was on 'roids said cracking his knuckles and pounding his fists.

"Enough Emmett," the Doctor said "Is there no way we can reason with him?" He questioned calmly.

Imprints: A Paul Lahote StoryWhere stories live. Discover now