The Mirror and a Stranger behind it 2

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"Hey,pls don't frak out,we wouldn't want to wake up your mom,okay?" Izuku nodded.
"I'm Akatani Mikumo,That mirror is a portal from my dimension to your. I'm basicaly you from a different dimension."
Izuku gleamed"A different dimension, mean I can see it..mumble  mjmble mumble mumble and not to mention he's super cute and hot...*GHASP*" Akatani chuckeled
"Oh you really think so?"He said runing his fingers through his hair."Don't worry I have the same mumbling problem as you, and I think you're hot and cute too"He said as he was on all four and face really close to Izuku's"I'm gonna give you a cute nickname that suits your adorable personality.Will you do the same to me?Huh..Izu~?" He said in a hot flirty voice."Oh thank god it's not Deku"Izuku sighed "Huh?" Akatani visibly snaped out of his flirtyness"Deku?" "Yeah,that's the nickname Kacc-Bakugo and  the bullies call me."Izuku avoided eye contact "Bullies?Why are you getting bullied Izu?" "I-I'm-I'm quirkles,a useless doll,a Deku-" He had tears on his cheeks.Akatani
quickly hugged him "Don't listen to them Izu.I know it's hard.I'm quirkless too,but I won't let that stop me from doing what I want.And.And I hope nether do you,Izu~"
"Quirkles?Y-you too?"Akatani nodded."T-thank you,Yami-kun!" "Yami-kun?" "It's shortened for Yamikumo..D-do you like it?" "I love it,Izu-kun!"

Time skip brought to you by Yami and Izu having long conversations..

"IZUUUU!Who are you talking to baby?"The footsteps were coming closer to the door.
"C-crap,hide!"Izuku wisper-yelled
"No need." Yamikumo just steped trough the mirror and Izu quickly covered the mirror with cloth.The door began to open"Izu?Who were you talking to?" "S-sorry mom.I was just mumbling stuf.Sorry if I woke you up." "You didn't woke me up so don't worry,also breakfast is ready so get dressed." "Okay,mom!"

At breakfast

"You didn't sleep to much didn't you,Izu?"
"I slept fine-" "Don't lie to me Izuku, your eyebags are bigger than your eyeballs!..."
"I-I -"*DING DONG* "The dorbell!I'll get it!" Izu said just to avoid the question.Once he opened the door he saw....nothing...exept,there was a letter on the floor.With:'FOR IZU♡' on it. Izuku  opened it but little did he know his mother was reading over his shoulder. Inko:' A HEART?!?! DOES MY SON HAVE A LOVER?!?! OH MY OH MY!GRANDBABIES!'
Izuku figured his mom was watching so he ran into his room."Oh come on Izu!You don't have to hide it from me!I just wanna know if my baby has a girlfriend and I will get any grandbabies...ówò"Inko said with happy tears.  "WAIT I HAVE TO READ IT FIRST!!"

Izu pov.

'Hey Izu♡
I don't like sending messages like this so here's my number to text me: XXX XXXX XXX
Good luck on your first day in school!
                                              Love you ♡Yami♡

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