Beep beep the monster takes the leap

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Beep Beep:says the alarm clock
Lick Yami's dick
Then leap
For Tokoyami's beak.

Izu pov

Beep beep beep bee-
I said beeb beeb motherfu-

Time skip:Honestly I have no idea what to write so I'll skip to end of the class.

"Finnaly over"I tought as I was walking toward the tunnel.But my gut feelings were going crazy. 'Something is wrong.Smells diskusting...Probably another drunk guy puked here..Nothing too bad'I didn't even realize that as I was thinking that I was already inside.Sudenly the manhole(XD man-hole,Who tf did gave it that name XD) started shaking."Ahh what a nice sized human shell!Don't worry kid it will only hurt ALOT!" As this monster was blocking my breath i passed out

And died
The end

I woke up with a strange feeling in my stomach.
"Huh,Ah!A-all Might?!"
"Yes,shonen!It's me!All Might!"
"Say...have you seen the villain that looked like a fluid somewhere here?And why were you passed out on the floor?"
"O-Oh,the villain attacked me b-but I passed out before I had a chance to see where he went."
"All right shounen! Are you hurt?"
"Well the  I'll be on my way to find the evildoer!"
"What is it?"
"C-can a quirkless person become a h-hero?"
"Hahahaha!I am truly sorry shonen but being a hero is very dangerous so,honestly you should choose a profession like a policeman or a detective.The job isn't half bad"With that All Might flew(jumped) into the sky

"Who is he to tell us that?"

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