Meeting the parent

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During Izuku's staying in the hospital, Inko was worried. 'What hapened to my baby?' 'What kind of quirk or monster did the doctor speak of?' 'Will my baby Izuku get hurt becouse of it?' She couldn't sleep becouse of those toughts. And one name stuck out the most. 'Who is Yami?Is that the name of the monster?Nooo, it couldn't be..Is Yami Izuku's girlfriend?...What if it's a boy?'
Inko turned on her side. 'It doesn't matter. I'll suport my baby no matter what!"

Yamikumo pov

'It's been a while since I saw Izuku...Maybe he's back...I should check on him'

3rd pov

'My baby has grown so much...I remeber when we used to play in his room..' Inko tought as she was geting up from her bed and walking to Izuku's room. Once she was there, a motherf- a head, poped up from the mirror.

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