First day at school

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Izu pov

I typed in the number in my contacts and rushed out of my room "I'm gonna be lateeee!"I said. "Oh,right today is your first day at school!... Who's the Yami gir-" "Bye mom"

I rushed to the station and once I got on the bus I took out my phone
                                         How did you do that?
You mean the letter?
                                Yeah,how did you send it?
I'll explain how when u get back.
Good luck Izu~♡
               Hey Yami? What are we exactly?

Oh it's my stop.

Time skip

"Goodmorning class, we have a new student!Please come in and introduce yourself!"

"H-hello!My name is Midoriya Izuku,please take care of me!"

"Excelent Midoriya!Go sit infront of  Todoroki,Todoroki please raise your hand."

(Todoroki will develope a slight crush on Midoriya but THE SHIP WON'T SAIL.This is DekuYami guys...)

Todoroki pov

I was watching as Midoriya walked and sat in front of me . He had a cute smile on his beautiful freckled face. My face heated up.

3rd pov

It was a boring day...well not for Izuku.That day they had English,Math,History and PE
Izuku was the only one active in the first three subjects,he answered every question right. 'Great, a nerd..'The whole class tought exept Todoroki.
During PE Izuku got a bit lost in the halls so that's why everyone got out before he had the chanse to take off his uniform and put on his PE clothes.
They did a few laps of running and extresize stuff. Izuku wasn't perfect at PE. I mean he was thinerthanheshouldbe thin and flexible but he didn't have muscle.

Once the class was over he found himself in trouble...he had to take of his shirt...Aaannnndd he did.A few saw and turned around..There were burns and scars that his dad and Kacchan left. And there were ribs. Did I say he was thin?yes.

Izuku quickly got dressed and rushed to the station.Once he was on the bus he looked at his phone.

Not sure.What do you want
us to be?

How was school?
                                It was okay,they didn't talk
                          or asked questions at all.But
                       Endawhore's kid is in my class.
                            He was eyeing me. :/ :/  :/

Oh wow.His dad wants to
steal All Might's place and
He want's to steal my place
It's true.Only I'm alowed
to eye you.

You're mine bitch

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