It be like that someimes

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'Huh?Must be my imagination..I should go home.'

Le time skipu

"Hey mom!I'm home"
"Welcome home!Lunch is ready,go wash up" Mama Inko said
"Ok"After washing up I sat down at the table and tasted the sweet flavor of Katsudon in my mouth.
"Mhhm thss s delshos mhsm"(nom this is delicious nom)
"You must be very hungry Izu.But still,be careful not to chok-"
"Can I have more please,oh..sorry"
"Oh my!It's like I'm feeding two people"Inko said while laughing
'It be like that sometimes'(?izuku? tought)
"Huh??" "Izu?Are you okay?"
"I-I just tought I heard something,I..gotta go to the bathroom"
"S-so no 2nd filling?Ya know you could just said ya don't like it.."Inko.

"It's not like that!"

Izuku pov.

"It hurts..nnnghh(not in that way) ah ah..h-help"Izuku puked a weird fluid and with that he blacked out.

3rd pov

When Inko heard that she took a step back aND SLAMMED HERSELF TROUGH THE DOOR.

"IZU!?"She quickly dialed 911 on her phone asking for help.

Few minutes later the ambulance car picked them up.

New chapter tomorrow ùwú

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