What are WE?

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Izuku just sighed.'Is it wrong to be in a relationship with...me?...Me from a diffrent dimension..'

"Hey mom!I'm home!"Said Izuku
"Welcome back,Izu! How was your first day at school?" Inko.
"It was okay,Endavor's son is in my class."
"Endavor's son?Witch one?The youngest?"
"Yep.." Izuku
"Alright Izu lunch will be ready in a few minutes."Izuku went to his room only to find Yamikumo sitting on it.
"So,any thought on..US? Y,know.."
"Yeah...I know,but I-I'm not sure.I mean,is it wrong?"
"Why would it be wrong?I mean,I get it but..."
"We're basicaly the same person."
"I don't see us as a same person,you've got your own opinion,stile,thoughts,body...If you're against it,I won't stand in your way.You can be with that Todoroki guy if ya want." "I don't want that,becouse I like YOU not HIM." They both smiled and were leaning in...."IZUUU!LUNCH IS READYYY!"
"Goddamit,well see ya later,bAbE"

Time skip

"Thanks for the meal! I need to finish my homework now!"Izu. "Allright honey."Inko.

In Izuku's room

"Hey,watcha doing?"
"Hey!Isn't your birthay soon?!"
"HUSH!Yeah it is.Isn't yours too?"
"Oh right..forgot about it." Izuku did a little 'smh'.
"What should I get you?"They ask at the same time."hahahha"

"Did you know that legal age of consent in Japan is 14?"(I changed it up a bit.It's suposed to be 13.OH YEA WE WILL HAVE 🍋LEMONS🍋 ON THEY'R 14 BD :))))) )

"Well now I know what to give to you." With that Izuku turned red.

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