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        This is a new kind of story that's not told in your typical way of storytelling cause this time the story will be told from a villain's point of view and how the kindest of souls can become the cruelest of demons.

" Alicia "

" Alicia "

" What " she finally answered.

" I was going to tell you something that you would have loved to hear but you don't look like you care much," Agatha said to her.

" Agatha please tell me cause you love me like your daughter and you are a nun and nuns have to tell the truth," Alicia said manipulating her.

" Well there is going to be a town memorial for your classmates who died when you were eight years old," Agatha said.

" How do you know? "

" Saw it online but I shouldn't have told you what was I thinking," She said as Alicia went to her computer and researched and saw his picture on the computer and everyone else she once knew and images flowed in her mind and she knew she could never outrun her past.

" I want to go home I am now twenty-five, it's been seventeen years am better now," Alicia said as Agatha refused.

" Your father will not agree," Agatha said to her as she frowned.

" Screw my father's plans, I want to go to my hometown," Alicia said as she went to her room.

" What are you doing? " Agatha asked her,

" Packing cause is not a child anymore, excuses have been the story of my life, first I was sick then I was studying than my father got me a job in nursing here, it's like he doesn't want me to go back always distracting me from going back home " Alicia ranted.

" Alicia you live in Paris and have you have a well paying job and am here with you and I love you," she said,

" I always think about shadow Creek and going back home to see him and my biggest regret is never going back sooner or seeing Martin again," Alicia said sitting on her bed.

" That place is not good for you besides you can find love here in Paris, so many good boys here  "

" Well I think it's good for me and I want to go being here is driving me crazy and sooner or later I will have to face my monsters in shadow creek, " Alicia said,

" if you see it like that then you have to do what you have to do and It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission, trust me," Agatha said to her.

" Thank you so much," Alicia said hugging her and packing everything.

" Go to your home and see that boy you like and all the best " Agatha said to Alicia.

" Contact the hospital and tell them I won't be going to work for a while and I will go be happy and if not I will make it happen even by force," Alicia said as Agatha kissed her forehead.

" May God bless you my angel and protect you from all the evil around you," Agatha said as Alicia left for the airport and took the earliest flight she could find.

As she looked out the plane's window and into the endless night she remembered a memory from seventeen years ago her last day in Shadow creek the day the class shooting happened and most of her classmates and teachers were killed.

" What happened here ? " her father asked as he walked into the school as a fire had started and he found Alicia standing looking at the dead bodies smiling.

" Princess what did you do ?" He asked her with a distraught face and even after all those years she was still smiling as she sat on the plane.

" They deserved it and I would do it again," She said to herself as she took out her laptop trying to watch a movie but all she thought about was being home again and seeing him the love of her life, with who she had been infatuated since she was eight and the reason she would burn in hell for eternity and kill for cause love was worth it or so she thought.

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