Chapter 6 : " K " FOR KILLER

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Henry was important to me, he was the only one who saw the killer in me and helped me reach my true potential and killing him was hard just like it was when I killed my mother who was sick, I didn't want her to suffer anymore and the doctor couldn't find a cure, I watched it destroy her everyday, it was too much on her so I crushed a bunch of her medicines and placed in her drink and I helped her pass on to the afterlife ~ Alicia

Alicia looked around her room and saw once she was done with Henry's body and cleaned the room making sure no evidence was left behind.

" What is that ? " She said as she saw something blink and approached it for it looked like a small device.

" A camera " she said looking at it.

" Who ever is watching this on the other, you just witnessed what happened earlier and when I catch you I will kill you and your entire family " Alicia said smashing it as Richard and Kevin were watching.

" The kaay princess isn't a princess after all and by what you've told me she might be responsible for the killings that happened all those years ago " Richard said laughing.

" But we can't control her she's crazy and sexy " Kevin said looking at the screen.

" I think I need a meeting with Miss Alicia " Richard said as Kevin nodded.

Alicia received a message from the Lighthouse and it was a few hours before morning and the end of her deadline to save the bank or leave.

Alicia arrived and was escorted to the study room by Kevin.

" I think your going to like the old mans offer " Kevin said to her.

" Really, actually anything will do as long as I can get to stay " Alicia said going into the study room.

" Mr Lighthouse I heard you wished to speak to me and I am here " Alicia said.

" Call me Richard and have a seat " He said as she took a seat.

" Let's not beat around the bush and tell me is it a yes or a NO " Alicia started.

" I see why my son likes you ! your a straight to the point type of  woman and of may talents " Richard said as the screens in the room started showing the video of her killing Henry.

" It was you "

" Yes i had cameras placed in your room " Richard answered,

" Not bad, so what's the catch ? " Alicia asked,

" I will partner up with your bank and you will fold daddy's eyes while launder money through that fine establishment and we will make alot of money " Richard said,

" You should have started with that instead of the video, as you might have seen I have no ethics in my bones " Alicia said making him laugh.

" I like you but there is still more things you have to do ? " Richard argued,

" What else ? Am practically giving you my families bank "

" Marry my son and be loyal to him " he said as Alicia laughed.

" Deal " Alicia said smiling.

Kevin stood outside the door waiting and nervous, when Alicia walked out.

" What happened ? " He asked nervously,

" You shouldn't trust your dad " she said hugging him goodbye.

" I will see you later on during the memorial " Alicia said as she left.

" Dad what happened " Kevin asked running into the office.

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