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Love the person, who you can control. when love starts controlling you, then destroy it.

Alicia's POV

You're probably thinking, she's an evil deranged killer, well yes I am but made me what I am.

Ever since I was a child-killing came naturally, I was putting things out of their misery before I could even walk,

Then I met Martin in preschool and I was in love.

He was kind in nature but our evil classmates were making his life hell and I  wouldn't let it continue cause it got worse every day for him and I loved him.

He's kind and so he always forgave them but am not the forgiving kind, so I slaughtered them and shot them with bullets enough to end a war.

Now is the part your probably thinking,

" why are you not in jail? "

well, my father sent me out of the country, to Paris and paid the police to mess with the evidence and judges to close the case being there were no witnesses they branded it a terrorist attack while I was banished to go anywhere but home.

So I was kept away and watched Martin fling after fling and I too had my share of relationships and maybe I thought he was better off without me,

But fate was in my favor when I discovered he was broken up with his fiance and so I planted the news of the death anniversary on poor Agatha's computer and convinced her to let me return.

Martin is why am back, he's single and I just broke up with a detective I was dating in Paris, his name is John Keller and I left him as soon as I heard Martin broke off his engagement.

" He will be mine "

" Who are you talking to creep? "

" No one am getting ready to go into town before I start working tomorrow for dad," I said to my brother.

" What can I say Alicia it's a trashy backwater town where nothing happens and when it does no matter how small the gossip is bigger " William explained to me.

" Well they can gossip about me 'cause I am not the one in danger, am the danger," I said hugging him and immediately went out I looked around and saw me and Martin as kids playing around being kids and I was glad to be back.

" Who are you? " A tall brute guy asked,

" Who I have been all my life? " I responded rudely to him.

" She's got a temper and I feel like I know you ? " he said looking at me then smiled.

" Alicia Kaay it is you," he said as I still didn't know who he was.

" It's me Kevin Lighthouse remember I used to follow you around with Martin and it was obvious I had a crush on you," he said as I remembered who he was.

" Light look at you? Your now a hunk " I said hugging him.

" I could say the same beautiful," Kevin said to me as I smiled.

" Well thanks but am looking for Martin, thought it was a small town but I see it's not, " I said to him looking around the street.

" Nothing changed still Looking for Martin I see "

" I wanted him to show me around so I can see what's changed," I said to Kevin who volunteered to help me as we find Martin.

" They rebuilt our old pre-school and the town has grown ever since, starting with the town's population did I mention to you there was a carnival today " Kevin mentioned.

" Today? "

" Yes and your best friend is helping out," Kevin said as I looked and saw Martin helping build a stage I waved and he walked by.

" She has been looking for you all over "

" Well you found me " Martin said as he smiled and I knew he was all I ever wanted.

" Do you wanna help ? " he asked,

" Sure " I said to him as I went and got the saw to help them build the stage and the rest of the day went out like magic, we talked and spent time together as Kevin watched us with a look that could be a problem later for me. The evening arrived and me and Martin were seated under our favorite tree at the pack as everyone was arriving to watch the live show on the stage we spent all day building.

" Your really good with tools "

" I prefer being my own hero " I said to him as he laughed.

" Monster Child "

" Your ugly "

" kill yourself "

" No one likes You " that's what they used to call me remember.

" Well we were kids and they mean as dirt, they were kids who were taught by their parents to hate whoever doesn't have money as they do, besides you were really smart and they couldn't stand that " I said to Martin who blushed.

" Yeah I am now a lawyer with his own law firm they can suck it " he said as we laughed and I remembered.

" Remember when we were kids I wanted us to run away and for me to show you my favorite places in the world but we couldn't travel so we hid " I said as he remembered.

" They used to go nuts looking for us " Martin said as he came closer as we looked in each other's eyes and kissed as everyone was arriving to watch the play.

" We should go and join the others " I said to Martin as he took my hand and we went and got mixed up with the crowd.

Everything was going great till i saw Jane who called for Martin and gave me a bitchy eye roll and to my other side I saw a television crew that didn't seem local.

" Who are they ? " I asked Kevin.

" They are investigators here to investigate everything that happened on the day of the school shooting, hired by mayor styles " Kevin said to me.

" Well others have investigated but they said it was a terrorist attack how are they better than all the others ? " I asked,

" That is Melinda Rey a specialist in killers and murder patterns, she knows all that type of shit " Kevin said as I looked and saw detective John Keller.

" Let me guess he's new in the towns police force in town " I said to Kevin as John looked at me and I saw Jane cozying up to Martin.

This town is out of order and it's my job to restore it, soon they will all learn death and when it's done I will have Martin.

Seat back and read folks it's about to get a whole load of bloody.

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