Christmas with the Riddles

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Time skip to Christmas break, Day' POV ( 2:00 am)

I woke up and saw the snow falling from the sky I was so excited cuz I finally get to be away from my house for the holidays but I just realized I'm going to be in the same house with my crush I am so doomed but at the same time I'm not. I'm just hoping his mom's going to allow Vortex to come with me and Dark. I was deep in thought when I felt to arm stop around me

Dark: good morning Day"

I turned around.

: good morning... wait I thought Boy's was not is not allowed in the girl's room"

Dark: a little dragon pulled me in here, my mom it's ok for Vortex to come with us"

I hugged Dark. he hugged me back. I wanted to tell him that I have a crush on him but what if he does not like me back.. my heart started to race. 

Dark: are you ready?"

: almost just have get Vortex in her sweater". 

an hour later.

Dark's POV 

we were on the train. Ty and Emily were chatting. I was in the middle of a book when someone hit my shoulder. I looked over and saw Day sleeping on my shoulder. I slowly wrapped my arms around her body and went back to my book. 

Emily: so Dark when are you going to ask my cousin out?"

my face turned deep red. I placed my bookmark in the book and looked at Emily. 

: when the time is right yes I will"

Emily: why not over the break. she needs a better place to stay .. and she likes you"

: how did you know?!"

Emily: at the dance, I saw the way she looked at you and something happened the day of the attack"

: promise not to scream"

Emily: promise"

: I kissed Day"

Emily almost scream. Day gripped my shirt a little, she was having another nightmare about her father. I kissed  Day on the forehead. she smiled in her sleep. 

Emily: Dark do you have feeling for my cousin?"

: yes I do, she kind, sweet and  a person who needs a better life"

Emily: then ask her out"

Day: what's going on?"

: Emily and I were talking about something"

Emily: someone likes you Day"

shoot, Emily don't tell her about me liking her. 

Day: I like someone too"

Emily: can you describe this person?" 

Day: yes he is a few inches taller than me. he has glasses and he been there for me when I fainted "

wait that's me... I started to blushes. 

Ty: do you know this person?"

Day: yes I do, I know his last name too"

Ty: oh?"

Day: Ty, Emily can you two please leave?"

Ty: sure" 

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