best friend's brother

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best friend's brother

best friend's brother

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it's been a year. a year of brandon having to hide away a secret that all he wants to do is show everyone. or most specifically his best friend kékéli. even if she is a little older in age, the two managed to find each other when working for the same boss only a couple of years ago. the late hours and tired thoughts forced the two to grow close and suddenly form into one unbreakable bond. at first their families thought it was a teenage boy forming a crush; but those rumours were almost instantly crushed when brandon came out to everyone as gay. and telling kékéli he preferred the same gender only helped their brother-sister relationship. they told each other everything. helped one another when they needed each other. the only way the two of them would stop being friends was if the world ended.

and with the secret brandon continues to hide, the world might as well end. he had no idea how he was going to tell kékéli he slept with her younger brother. and he felt as if his brain was going to explode by how hard he tried to come up with a plan to tell her he now has a son by him.

his phone had gone off with a familiar ding.

he stopped folding the new clean laundry, taking a quick glance at his one year old son kaden. the little boy was casually leaning against the arm of the couch watching cartoons on the large tv screen. his dark brown eyes darted back and forth clearly intrigued by whatever show was displayed before him. brandon grinned before grabbing his phone and checking who had messaged him. his eyes grew wide as he had seen it was kékéli.

heard you finally came home!
can't wait to stop by and hear all about your trip!

immediately brandon stood from his spot and ran towards his bedroom. he swung the door open with his chest heaving as he felt as though he's about to have a panic attack. but when he slammed the door behind him the lean figure sleeping on the bed had jumped awake; taking alarm to a possible intruder. he doesn't see anyone but brandon and groans before complaining.

"damn brandon, you can't scare people like that" the person everyone knew as zion whined while rubbing his eyes. a yawn escaped his lips as he lazily stared at the other who obviously seemed in distress.

"scaring you is the least of my problems. your sister just texted me saying she plans to visit. how the fuck does she know i'm here and not on my trip still?" brandon ranted as he threw his still glowing phone at zion. the older looked at the message before back up at brandon.

"this seems like a good time to tell her if you ask me" zion replied as he stood to his feet and began to leave the bedroom. brandon could not believe what he was hearing. he wasn't ready to tell her the large lie he created just so she wouldn't disown him as a friend.

𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐒 ⚣ 𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚐 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now